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Gillette Tech

A while back i mentioned to my father in law my recent venture in to wet shaving. Being the antique collector he is, he has a few DE razors around. He gave me what i believe is a gold ball end Gillette Tech. From what we gathered its from between the 40's and 50's(no date code). One side of the head has some corrosion. Ive used dish soap, alcohol, and bathroom cleaner to no avail. Ive got most of it off but the rest is tough. I'm also afraid to ruin the finish. Any tips or ideas? Also, is there anyone who would refinish it? I know its not worth much but it'd be pretty stellar to hand it off to my son one day. Thanks in advance!!
There are a couple of companies that replate old razors. But give brasso, scrubbing bubbles, or maas a try. i have to meet something that brasso or maas cant get to a mirror shine. Just let it sit on the razor a min or so before wiping it off of the razor
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