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Gillette Tech, WOW !

I shaved today with a British travel Tech, aluminum handled ball-end (40's?).
I came with a vintage grooming set.
Just wow! Super mild, but also super smooth.
Probably too mild for some, but much smoother with the same results as my Muhle R89.
And everyone here knows how mild and smooth a '89 head is.
Since they are cheap I'll pick up a heavier version some day. It also got me thinking about Super Speeds.
Maybe it's true. Maybe Gillette's from a certain era (predating the 70's?) are just smoother shavers.
It is very mild, but because of that I was able to do two (!) ATG passes and still got BBS at most places, with a overall DFS for result.



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
What took you so long? And you have not tried a Super Speed either? Now there is a smooth shaver without being so mild.
A R89 and a R41 stood in the way of trying vintage razors earlier.
I like mild, but I haven't figured out how mild exactly. Which Super Speed? Blue? Red? Black? All 3 (probably at least 2; blue and black).
I could shave every day with this razor but the handle is too light. Nice compact head though, goes right under the nose.
My 1000'st post by the way, yay!
A R89 and a R41 stood in the way of trying vintage razors earlier.
I like mild, but I haven't figured out how mild exactly. Which Super Speed? Blue? Red? Black? All 3 (probably at least 2; blue and black).
I could shave every day with this razor but the handle is too light. Nice compact head though, goes right under the nose.
My 1000'st post by the way, yay!

Your best bet with a Super Speed would be start out with a regular (silver) and see how that works for you since regular SS's seem to be a bit more affordable then if it's a bit too aggressive for you you can move on to the Blue Tip.
Black Tip has nothing to do with how aggressive the razor is,it was just a standard SS of the day but due to materiel shortages due to the Korean war the tips were black plastic instead of metal.
Your best bet with a Super Speed would be start out with a regular (silver) and see how that works for you since regular SS's seem to be a bit more affordable then if it's a bit too aggressive for you you can move on to the Blue Tip.
Black Tip has nothing to do with how aggressive the razor is,it was just a standard SS of the day but due to materiel shortages due to the Korean war the tips were black plastic instead of metal.

Tech, flair tip super speed and the British knack are all mild but exceptional razors

Thanks, I'll try a silver SS first then. If it's slightly more mild then it might just be the perfect shaver, we'll see.
There's always a few on eBay, even near The Netherlands (mostly British and German sellers).
I hope this doesn't hijack the thread but it is related.

I just got 2 Techs today myself. One is a brass ball end tech (large ball) and the other a nickled fat handled tech.

Here's the thing, The fat handles tech was entirely too mild. It had a new Astra SP in it. The other half of my face I shaves with a ball end Tech with a Gillette black. Much MUCH better.

Is the head geometry on techs of different makes and years different or was it just the blade that made all the difference?
I will say the blade, the techs are mild by nature.
Is the head geometry on techs of different makes and years different or was it just the blade that made all the difference?

I think it's a bit of both. Every Tech I have shaves a little differently. I've found the pre-war Ball Handle and the mid 60's Ball Handle Techs that I have are a step up in aggressiveness (aggression?:001_cool:) when compared to my mid 60's travel Tech and my Gold Fat Handle. Or maybe it's just me...:blink:
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