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Gillette Stainless Steel Blades

Green Box right? Green Indians or Green Russians? I have the Green Russians and will be doing my first shave with them tomorrow and will let you know. I just did shave #4 with the Yellows (Sharp Edge).
Don, if the box is grey it may be the Canadian version of the Super Stainless Spoiler blade. If so, they are great blades. Do you happen to have a pic?
For some reason, the larger pictures from The Bay won't download. Anyway, I purchased these for 99 cents plus shipping.
For some reason, the larger pictures from The Bay won't download. Anyway, I purchased these for 99 cents plus shipping.
Yup, the blade I was thinking of. Believe they are Canadian, check the label. I used mine all up. They should shave much like the Spoiler, which is to say, great. Enjoy them.
For some reason, the larger pictures from The Bay won't download. Anyway, I purchased these for 99 cents plus shipping.

After reading this post I knew I had a package of this type of blade somewhere. So I searched through my small collection and found a single unopened sample paclage that was included with a Gillette Travel Razor that I had. I thought, what the heck, I'm gonna try it this morning. To my amazement this Gillette stainless blade was extremely smooth and shaved as well or better than my normal Feathers. After finishing up my 3 pass Tabac shave I put my work to the test by rubbing the Alum block over my face. No stinging! I further tested the quality of my shave by splashing on some Clubman with similar results. This was truly one of the best shaves of my life. Imagine, using a razor from 1976, with a blade from the sixties and getting results as good or better than can be achieved from todays technology. I know I'll be looking to find some more of these stalinless beauties! :thumbup1:
The Gillette Spoiler, Schick Stainless, Personna 74 Titanium, and 'Light Brigade' Wilks are all excellent blades from the golden age of blade manufacturing in the late 60's early 70's.

Really the peak of double edge development just before and shortly after the Trak II came along.

These blades are at least the equal, and in many cases better, than anything available today and are worth the trouble to seek them out. Not always worth the price, however, as they can bring some outrageous bids on our favorite auction site.
Unfortunately, only one pack was for sale, which contained 6 blades. I usually get about a week of shaving with feathers (I sometimes take Saturday and Sunday off and, so, am really just shaving for 5 days). This pack might give me more than a month of good shaves, which isn't bad for 99 cents plus shipping.
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Here is the blade dispenser. I love the retro look. Once I've finished with the Gillette blades, could I load the dispenser up with feathers, for example? (or does the dispenser only allow you to pull blades out and not insert them?)
Here is the blade dispenser. I love the retro look. Once I've finished with the Gillette blades, could I load the dispenser up with feathers, for example? (or does the dispenser only allow you to pull blades out and not insert them?)

Hold the center post down, and you can carefully insert blades. Difficult, but doable.
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