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Gillette Sensor!!!!

Here's my shaving history:
mach III
DE (fatboy, SS, tech, Old)
Track II

Having made this shaving journey, I learned a tremendous amount. I love the DE thing and the straight thing, but my recent return to the Sensor (out of pure experiment) has been amazing. BBS everywhere, less irritation, no ingrowns (even on the neck), less time. In my opinion, the Sensor is the best all-around razor ever made. The efficiency and quality of the shave is remarkable. I can get BBS with a two-pass shave in the shower. anyone else have this experience? I will still use the DEs for fun on weekends, but they cant touch the performance of the Sensor for every day use.

Does a Sensor not also float in water?

Just kidding, whatever floats your shaving boat is great. I'm too enamored of the vintage stuff to go back to a cartridge, but if it works for you, then don't let anybody burn you at the stake because of it!


My elbows leak
Staff member
This is a wet shaving forum. Despite the number of posts about vintage equipment, wet shaving does not specify a type of razor.
If the sensor is your thing, more power to you.
Myself, I do love the vintage DE's and will never go back to the cartridge type (although the sensor is probably one of only 2 that are not monstrosities, the other being the atra)
The brush and soap/cream is a luxury that is beyond compare in the shaving world, but no one can fault you on your choice of hardware / equipment.
I use vintage razors but always goto a sensor if I need a REALLY Fast shave, travel by plane or am not feeling awake enough in the AM to shave with my DE.
A Sensor is my go to for a quick shave as well. Using a DE (and straight for that matter) for the past 4 years has improved my cartridge technique tremendously. I can get BBS with a Sensor pretty quickly. A Swede in my Fatboy will ultimately give a better, longer lasting shave, but at a cost in time.
Sensor is a great shaver! Still keep one in the cabinet for when the urge hits me to use it. The combo of the prep & softeware that I've discovered here and on like sites coupled with the Sensor bring fabulous results. Grats on finding a setup that works well!!!!
Here's my shaving history:
mach III
DE (fatboy, SS, tech, Old)
Track II

Having made this shaving journey, I learned a tremendous amount. I love the DE thing and the straight thing, but my recent return to the Sensor (out of pure experiment) has been amazing. BBS everywhere, less irritation, no ingrowns (even on the neck), less time. In my opinion, the Sensor is the best all-around razor ever made. The efficiency and quality of the shave is remarkable. I can get BBS with a two-pass shave in the shower. anyone else have this experience? I will still use the DEs for fun on weekends, but they cant touch the performance of the Sensor for every day use.

So, clearly, you can sell me that Fatboy of yours! :w00t:
Here's my shaving history:
mach III
DE (fatboy, SS, tech, Old)
Track II

...In my opinion, the Sensor is the best all-around razor ever made. The efficiency and quality of the shave is remarkable. I can get BBS... anyone else have this experience?

Your learning path is quite unique...Why in the hell did you pick the Mach III??:frown:

The Sensor was the last one of a noble family called Gillette...There is an age before Sensor and after Sensor. Trac II and Atra included, I must agree with you, Sensor is too an excellent performer!!
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