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Gillette Red Tip

Hi, so i picked up a 1955 A4 Gillette Red Tip from the bay last month and shaved with it for the first time this morning. Ive only been DE shaving for just over a month and still trying to get my technique sorted. Well i was very happy with the shave. I used a fresh Astra SP blade, Barrister & Mann Solstice soap, Alum block, Thayers WH and then Nivea Sensitive ASB.

I did a 3 pass shave, WTG, XTG (ear to nose), XTG (nose to ear). I stll get too much irritation when i try ATG so i stopped doing that for the time being. I was happy that i did not get a single nick or weeper. With the 3 pass shave i got close to a DFS i think. Obviously if i feel my face ATG there is roughness but that cant be fixed without shaving ATG. Face felt nice and smooth with no razor burn or irritation.

I definitely liked the weight and feel of the Red Tip.

Out of curiosity what setting on a Slim or Fatboy would equate to the aggressiveness of the Red Tip?

I love my B3. A steady dependable starter in my lineup. I can agree that Mr. Red feels like about a 4 on a Gillette adjustable.
My Red Tip is my favorite razor.
It does everything right on my face, and works great with all of my blades(Feather, 9 O'Clock Black, and Astras).
I found one today at an antique store ... dirty as all get out. I'm reading up on how to clean one here on B&B. Excited to clean it up and try it out.
I found one today at an antique store ... dirty as all get out. I'm reading up on how to clean one here on B&B. Excited to clean it up and try it out.

Good luck. :)

I managed to snag mine on a Buy It Now for what i considered a great price.

Im sure cleaning up an Antique Store find can be very satisfying.
The Red Tip is a favorite of mine, and not just for the admirable shaving qualities.

Awhile back my youngest son announced that his favorite razor in my collection was "The one with the Ham on the handle".

Every time I pick one up, and that's pretty often, I smile.
I am liking my Red Tip as well. Normally I cannot go ATG due to irritation and bumps that ensues. But the Red-tip seem to have the right level of aggressiveness and I enjoyed 2-pass (WTG/ATG) smooth shaves all of this week. :thumbup:
Today was shave # 5 or 6 with a 7oClock Black in it and it would have lasted more but got tired of it. Tomorrow will be a new razor/blade combo. :)
Red Tips just look so cool and shave smoothly. I find it nicely balanced in all aspects. Standard Super Speeds are just too mild but the Red Tip hits the spot when I want a quick smooth shave. Personna Med Preps work great for me.
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