Here's a question I've been mulling over for quite a while now & I haven't seen any threads related (if they're here, all apologies--my google fu isn't that great): Why doesn't Gillette produce any actual DE razors any more? They put out the blades, they have a helluva following & it seems like a) they'd sell quite a number of them, and b) people might use them more, and they're the name--everyone here talks about the old Gillettes. Kind of bothers me, in a way, that they put out blades and not razors--like their piggybacking Hollywood-style on the $$ but won't pony up on the real goods. Way I see it--& I may be seeing it wrong, I'll grant you--is that Gillette might be afraid of option b above--and they'd lose out on their plastic profit. But still... Just something that's been bothering me lately. Then again, maybe it's like Jordan coming out of retirement--just wouldn't be the same. They'd probably have the quality of a Ming Shi if they came out today (skimping on the cost and all). Maybe some things, like MJ & good quality Gillette SSs, are better left to the past?