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Gillette "Pure Bristle" brush restore


This is my first restore, and I am very happy how it turned out!

I dont have any before pictures, however the knot in there was very worse for wear.

The knot is an 18mm TGN UK Super knot (Fidgit correct me if I'm wrong).


Pre bloom

Will post post bloom once I've use it!
Nice job mate. :thumbup1:

And ummm, you're wrong, so I'll correct you , it's a TGN 18mm Silvertip Grade A :001_smile
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Good job! Did you use the pliers method? Hot water involved, drill press? What adhesive?

I removed the old knot by lopping the bristles flush with the handle, and then attacking it with my swiss army knife! Basicaly used the corkscrew, the knife, and lots of elbow grease.

I used super strengh areldite epoxy, that knot isnt ever coming out!

I shaved with it this morning, It's amazing the differnce between it and the Body shop synthetice I was using! Chalk and cheese! Even though the knot is smaller, it still held enough lather for 4 passes and touch ups!

I'll take some post bloom pics tonight
I removed the old knot by lopping the bristles flush with the handle, and then attacking it with my swiss army knife!

Yep, us Aussies are a resilient lot. Gotta make the best of what you've got. Here's my latest handle and the "tools" I used.


I'm sure it'd be easier and quicker using power tools but where's the fun and sense of satisfaction in that ???? :tongue_sm

( And I'm hoping we get this electrickery stuffy down here in Tasmania soon ( beaten boys !!! :lol: ))

I shaved with it this morning, It's amazing the differnce between it and the Body shop synthetice I was using! Chalk and cheese!

Phew, glad to see you're happy with the knot choice :thumbup1:
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