Which do you prefer?
I voted new because I LOVE the Fusion ProGlide!
I like the New but it is very particular about the angle at which it is used. The Old type is much easier to use and more efficient.
I know you said that before. I have used them both too, and I did not find my News particular about the angle. You can see / feel the right angle. And they shave as easy and as close as my Oldies. I just like the overall feel a bit better, so I voted New (the only oc I use at the moment).
Is your New the short or long comb version? I don't know whether it makes all that much difference but my New is a long comb that was made in England.
I think after using the Old type for so long (not to mention the manifold clones that I have), the New feels a bit different and I need to get used to it again. I have given it a fresh blade so that I can concentrate on using it for a while.
I'll cast my lot with the Old.
I'll start off by voting for the Old type. King C got it right the first time and no razor has ever bettered it.