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Gillette NACET Stainless

Hello Gentlemen,

Do you know the above brand? It is made in St Petersburg - Russia, under license from Gillette. The pack's of 5 blades with each individual blade wrapped in both a wax paper and an envelope.

I've only come across it recently.

Yeah, I know of this brand.

I haven't used it with my new Merkur 38C but as soon as I do, I will post my findings.


The wife's investment
Hello Gentlemen,

Do you know the above brand? It is made in St Petersburg - Russia, under license from Gillette. The pack's of 5 blades with each individual blade wrapped in both a wax paper and an envelope.

I've only come across it recently.


I bought some in Malta. I didn't know they were made in Russia. Anyway, I really liked them and wish I had more. I remember they were very smooth and gave me some excellent shaves. I usually cork my blades, but the Nacet blades do not benefit from corking, they work great right out of the wrapper.
i have some nacet blades i recived in my sampler pack from SS in england,
mine were czeck made, not russian, and they are quite nice, made in the same place as the gillette silverblue blades,
I remember using them while visiting Europe in the early 80's. I've never seen them anywhere in Canada. They were manufactured in England I think. Best blades I've ever used.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I remember using them while visiting Europe in the early 80's. I've never seen them anywhere in Canada. They were manufactured in England I think. Best blades I've ever used.

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the ones that I saw were made in Shanghai!
Hello Gentlemen,

Do you know the above brand? It is made in St Petersburg - Russia, under license from Gillette. The pack's of 5 blades with each individual blade wrapped in both a wax paper and an envelope.

I've only come across it recently.


Yes, I have the Chinese (Shanghai) ones , they are good blades.
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I just picked up a Gillette safety with Nacet made in England on the actual razor itself, it came in the red box . I will get some pics later on, do you have any info on this razor?
I have some of the russian ones, they are great shavers, sharp and smooth. I rate them somewhere between Gillette SharpEdge 'yellows' and Feathers.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
That's different! Looks like the Nacet logo but the handle looks to be a British Tech aluminum, very cool razor.

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