I posted recently that I had found and excellent blade for me from a PIF I was sent. The Gillette Goal shown below proved to be nigh on impossible to find.
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Subsequently I found these, same name right ;-) way different packaging of course so I thought what the hell they may just be the same with a new look. How wrong was I. One of the worst shaves Ive had. Half way throught the first pass I had 3 big weepers. I thought it might be my setting on the Slim i was using so I swapped the blade to my Black Beauty. No joy. So the search continues for the elusive Goals. I may try one again but once bitten....

View attachment 356989
Subsequently I found these, same name right ;-) way different packaging of course so I thought what the hell they may just be the same with a new look. How wrong was I. One of the worst shaves Ive had. Half way throught the first pass I had 3 big weepers. I thought it might be my setting on the Slim i was using so I swapped the blade to my Black Beauty. No joy. So the search continues for the elusive Goals. I may try one again but once bitten....