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Gillette "Goal" Blades?

I just received a new DE from a Netherlands merchant and in the box as a freebie was a pack of Gillette "Goal" blades. Green Box, same color as the Indian 7 O'Clock Green box, and the side of the box had an Indian address. Haven't opened one up to see the blade markings yet.

Are the Green Gillette Goals the same thing as the Green 7 O'clocks from India?
I just received a new DE from a Netherlands merchant and in the box as a freebie was a pack of Gillette "Goal" blades. Green Box, same color as the Indian 7 O'Clock Green box, and the side of the box had an Indian address. Haven't opened one up to see the blade markings yet.

Are the Green Gillette Goals the same thing as the Green 7 O'clocks from India?

Do not think so, the green 7'o clocks are coated super stainless, this one is just stainless. Am testing then now.
Do not think so, the green 7 o'clocks are coated super stainless, this one is just stainless. Am testing then now.

Sorry, I am one of the few people left on the planet who does not have a digital camera, so I can't take a pic.

I agree with the above - the green-box Gillette Goals are a different blade than the Indian green box 7 o'clock blades. The blade says "Goal Stainless" or something like that, has glue spots, and to me they seem noticably sharper than the green 7 o'clocks.
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