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Gillette Fat Boy.

I don't know if this is the proper place to post this. I have a fat boy at home that my father-in-law and I purchased at an antique store cheap. The TTO turns smooth and opens the doors. However, the adjustor doesn't seem to work. The knob turns and clicks like it should but the blade position doesn't change. I was wondering if there are any tutorials for repair or if there is someone who repairs these things. I only paid $4 for the razor so making this thing work would be a major score.
It may not be a mechanical issue, might just be gunked up with old soap residue and needs a good cleaning. The generally accepted first step is to boil water, put some dish soap in a bowl, add the hot water and soak the razor until the water cools down. Rinse and repeat until the mechanism loosens up. I've heard this can take several days for a severely dirty razor.


Good luck
There are many threads on this, but they tend to be a little hard to find. The accepted method for freeing a stuck adjustable is as follows:

Boil some water (but do NOT put your razor into the pot while it's on the heat!)
Put your razor into a container and liberally add some Dawn dish detergent
Add the just-boiled water on top of your razor, making sure it's completely submerged
Wait until the water cools enough to safely handle the razor
Work the mechanism as much as possible without forcing anything
Rinse and repeat until everything is freed up.

It might take as much as half a dozen repetitions if things are really gunked up internally, but from your description it's just frozen blade bed "prongs", which should clear up pretty quickly. Good luck, and please keep us posted on your progress (...And you know we all like pictures of shiny things!:lol:)
the above advice is good. they can get choked up with soap and maybe whiskers. you can also try a heavy spray of WD40 if the 'soap and just boiled water soak' does not work.
There are many threads on this, but they tend to be a little hard to find. The accepted method for freeing a stuck adjustable is as follows:

Boil some water (but do NOT put your razor into the pot while it's on the heat!)
Put your razor into a container and liberally add some Dawn dish detergent
Add the just-boiled water on top of your razor, making sure it's completely submerged
Wait until the water cools enough to safely handle the razor
Work the mechanism as much as possible without forcing anything
Rinse and repeat until everything is freed up.

It might take as much as half a dozen repetitions if things are really gunked up internally, but from your description it's just frozen blade bed "prongs", which should clear up pretty quickly. Good luck, and please keep us posted on your progress (...And you know we all like pictures of shiny things!:lol:)

+1 to this but I would add get one of those thermal travel mugs and let it soak.
Be prepared for several days to a week of soaking giving it a good shake as well to work the gunk out.
I came across a D-4 Executive (AKA gold Fat Boy) that took nearly a week of repeated boiling water and dish soap soaks to free up.
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