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Gillette Fat Boy

I'm curious about the fuss about the fat boys, I own a Merkur HD 11c. Around the time I ordered it I was debating which to buy? In the end the 11c won on account of price. I would love to have sampled the fat boy but couldn't find one for a price that was reasonable because man they can go for quite a lot. I'm not the picky type and don't need a fancy case, just a good straight razor and I'm good to go. As soon as I received my 11c I instantly fell in love with the thickness of it, though I prefer the 3 piece over the 2. Guess what I'm saying is I've read the reviews of both and both are great but I can't help but still wonder if I should just dish out the extra bucks for another razor to satisfy my curiosity? Oh and I still have a pack of Lord safety razors which but haven't touched them yet, is anyone familiar with them? I have sensitive skin and the last time I used the Merkur razors they just don't agree with my face. How are the lords?
if you want to try the FB.....the bst is a great place to find one at a fair price...if you find it's not for you, just relist it on the bst and you will have your $$ back! :)

Get one. Just to experience it. If you don't like it, sell it.

After all, you don't want one of your death-bed regrets to be, "I never got to try a Fatboy."

Mine will be learning to drive a stick-shift.


Jeff in Boston.
Try and get a Fatboy while they are still under $50.00 - and those days are numbered. I guess they're like the Harley-Davidson of razors....

RUN AWAY from those Lord Blades!!!!!!! I bought 20 packs a year ago and they have rust spots and uneven grinding right out of the wrapper!
Maybe it's just the RAD, but I'd also like to try a fatboy. Also on my "want to try" list are: slim adjustable and EJ DE 98L. Been fighting the RAD off this month by buying a Rooney brush and G5 scuttle. I would have gotten off cheaper with a fatboy on ebay. Prices on ebay fatboys haven't been too bad lately. Guess Christmas has reduced the bidding frenzy a bit.
I have a merkur 38 c ,which I love , but I also wanted to have a vintage razor , so I ordered a fatboy a week ago , still has not come in yet , should be here any day. I paid $26 for it including shipping. It does not have a case , but I don't care , I just wanted a razor with some history behind it. I can't wait to try it out!!!
Having had (and sold) a couple of Fat Boys . . . for me, they are not the best.

That being said, they were not the worst, either!!

Every face, razor, blade, lather, and technique combination can produce a different result. Each of us finds our "perfect" combination, and what works for one may not be the best for another.

While I would not turn down the chance to buy a pristine Fat Boy in case at the right price for my collection, I won't buy another just for a daily shaver!
I'd kind of like to try one, but not if I have to pay too much. Yes, I've looked on B/S/T, but frankly, the prices there tend to be not much lower than I see them going for on eBay, and I don't want to buy something with the idea of trying to find a buyer for it later. I do have a Slim, and I don't know if the shave would be that much different. I am bidding on one FB on eBay right now, but if I don't get it, maybe it's time to give up for a while. I've been outbid a number of times already on other FBs; these are just a bit too popular.
Having had (and sold) a couple of Fat Boys . . . for me, they are not the best.

That being said, they were not the worst, either!!

Every face, razor, blade, lather, and technique combination can produce a different result. Each of us finds our "perfect" combination, and what works for one may not be the best for another.

While I would not turn down the chance to buy a pristine Fat Boy in case at the right price for my collection, I won't buy another just for a daily shaver!

I find that some razors I didn't really care for seem a lot better when I come back to them. The first Old type I used, and almost sold is now one of my best shavers. The Fatboy and Slim fall in this category for me as well
Mike - Good point!! I had a recent experience with a very ugly New Type that gave me some outstanding shaves . . . even though some time ago I did not get good results from the same model.

My ugly New Type Frankenrazor is next up in my rotation . . . I will remember your words and maybe I will do a Fat Boy again some day with your suggestion in mind!
Fatboy's are not the greatest shavers but they are great shavers.They are the best lookers,and they feel the best in your hand.
. . .I am bidding on one FB on eBay right now, but if I don't get it, maybe it's time to give up for a while. . .

Hmm, but I did win this one. $30 shipped, which was right at my maximum, and I'd hoped to get one for $25 or less, but this one seems pretty nice in the pics. We'll see.
Hey Jeff, I'll teach you how to drive a manual transmission in exchange for a fatboy!

- Beck in Boston
Fatboy's are not the greatest shavers but they are great shavers.They are the best lookers,and they feel the best in your hand.

That Red Dot..... :w00t:

$30 is good for a nice condition Fat Boy. That's about what I paid for my first too, and it shines great and barely needed cleaning. And as a bonus, it's a D4, the quarter of my birth!
I'm looking for a Fat boy, but not too many sellers on e-bay ship to Norway for a reasonable amount and most auctions end in the middle of the night here:sad:

Want to try one since there is so much talk about them, currently I'm using either a Slim or Super adjustable (gold and normal) for my DE shaving.

Hmm, but I did win this one. $30 shipped, which was right at my maximum, and I'd hoped to get one for $25 or less, but this one seems pretty nice in the pics. We'll see.
You did good for $30 on one. Please post again after you use it and let those of us who don't yet have a FB know whether it's worth going after.

I think you should try a Fatboy indeed.
It is one the most iconic shavers, IMHO.
A good razor and definitively a looker.
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