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Gillette Blacks, 7 o clock and a hacked up face

I write this message in razor burn hell.

I recently traded some cella for some Gillette 7 o clock blacks, made in India. I figured they would be close to my Czech blues.

I needed a quick shave, and as I am still learning straight razors, I used my trusty NEW short comb.

I lathered using my new Rooney 3/1, some Chianti Lavender by Razorock (this is becoming my favorite) and went to town.

The shave went great, smooth, sharp, was slicing hair with ease, better then my 7 o clock blues..

This can't be! All the hacked up skin, blade samplers and thinking I found my blade, (blues) and something better comes along? Nonsense!

But after a quick wash, I quickly discovered how bad it was. Blood, more blood! How could this be? Ive been shaving with straights and never saw a drop or spec of blood!

I double checked the blade to make sure it was not a derby! I know I got rid of all of those!

All the rinsing, musgo aftershave, aloe, thayers in the world cant save this face! Razor burn, bumps and blemishes!


What are some good post shave remedies? Maybe some I can make, order, find locally?

Anyone have a love or hate for this blade? Notice they are similar to a particular blade?


The good news, it is in the mid 50s (°F), windy and rainy, feels great on this hacked face.

I think these blades will find a new home via BST. As much as I loved experimenting, I will stick to what has been working.
Wow, sorry to hear about your experience! Especially shocking in light of the fact you're a straight user. Bad blade perhaps? I've only used a black once, and I thought it was good, but I thought the blues were better. It just goes to show you that even a blade that has such lavish praise won't work for everybody. They're a little too expensive for me, anyways. I've found cheaper blades (Red IP's, Lord Plats) that work for me, and I don't feel bad about chucking them after three shaves. The good news is that if you want to unload them, you'll have plenty of takers on B/S/T.
I bought a Gillette sample pack from Bullgoose that had a pack of blacks in it. I tried three separate blades out of the pack and they are easily one of the worst blades I've tried. I was in pain after every shave from them.
hmm, just had a day two shave with one today and it was better than day one, very good, but not better than my expereince with a Gillette blue 7'oclock or Feathers or RedIP, but no blood or pain...ymmv thing???
Sorry to hear that. Maybe a bad blade. These are my go to blade and as of right now, don't see any reason to try any other. If you do put them up on the BST they should go quick.
Sorry to hear of your bad experience. I haven't had a problem with Gillette Blacks. Try to pick up some witch hazel. It should help with your discomfort. I use it daily with each shave and find it great for irritation and general skin care.
I had the opposite experience, the first 3 blacks i tried did not seem sharp enough. my astra blade on its first shave seemed to do a better job.
I changed my pre shave prep where i was soaking for a few minutes longer and tried the black again. I am currenlty on shave 9 with the blade and it still feels just as good as the first one and I am doing ATG as well with all of those 9 shaves.
stick with it just a while longer, you might have a bad blade or even a fake blade..they are expensive enough for someone to fake them I think.
Sorry to hear, but I love the Blacks. Sharp, smooth and a great blade in my den. I'd bet it was a bad one, give it another shot. Made in India should be the real thing.
Must be a YMMV type deal. Gillette blacks are one of my favorites...not quite silver blues, but close. I have found that i like certain blades in certain razors, so maybe that's it. Or, maybe a dud blade. Still, really shocked considering how good ths have been for me.
I'm also surprised you had that bad of an experience with the blacks. My goto blades are those and the persona labs, but the blacks were the first blades I hit in my sampling that really "fit" as a blade I could call mine.

Like many have said, they'll easily go fast on the BST for sale or trade for a blade you know you like, if you need to unload the rest of the supply you have.
For me, the 7 O'Clock Blacks are among the world's premium blades. But if we all liked the same thing, it would be ridiculously expensive and short of supply!
The blacks are also my favorite blades at the moment. Sorry they haven't worked out for you. I found the blues to be a bit harsh. Again YMMV.
Cold water and styptic is about my only suggestions. Blacks are really sharp but not enough to eat you up and spit you out. Can't say you had a bad blade, or it wasn't sitting in the razor right. I hope your face gets better quickly.
I am dumfounded as these are widely regardes as among the smoothest blades around. With no pulling or tugging? I'm sorry for your experience.
This is a perfect example of YMMV. I have tried many brands of blades looking for "The Blade". I have settled on two brands (Astra SP & Personna Super "Labs") that I can count on day in, day out. I am a vintage Gillette guy so I thought I should try the Gillette 7 O'Clocks. After reading many threads on all the opinions on yellows, greens, blues, and blacks I settled on getting samples of blues and blacks. (I seem to favor platinum-coated blades). I've been using them and getting close, comfortable, consistent shaves from both. Honestly, I don't think I could pick either one out in a blind test. For that matter, I probably couldn't favor either of the 7 O'Clocks over my go-to blades that are both at about half the price as the Gillettes. I keep coming back to it's all about personal preference and your own technique. Don't get hung up about blades. There is no shame in the game. Find what works consistently and settle in for years of great shaves.

That said, the treatment for a bad shave day... Cool/cold water rinsing, alum or styptic depending on severity, witch hazel splash, skip the alcohol AS and go with a balm for a couple days. In extreme cases, skip your shave (I know that is near impossible) for a day or two while you skin heals. Get back into it with careful prep, good lather, and a 2-pass shave until all is good again. IMHO of course.
Sorry the Gillette Blacks didn't work out for you. I have to say that they are the best blade I have found. Always very sharp and smooth in my Gillette NEW LC Ball-end.
The Black 7 O'Clocks are in my top 3 blades. Sharp and ridiculously smooth in most razors. Then again, I've never liked any blade that has come from the Gillette factories in Russia or the Czech Republic. Only the 2 7 O'clocks made in India (black and green) and an assortment from the Lord brand have proved themselves to me after 4 years.
I see a whole lot of love for the Gillette Blacks and other 7 o'clocks but they didn't do it for me either.
Perfect YMMV situation. Maybe you were unlucky and found a bad blade, the ones I tried are very good, sharp and didn't leave any marks at all. You might want to try again, with a new one and see if the results are the same? I like them very much, sorry they didn't work out for you.
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