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Gillette Ball End Tech PIF

Have you ever used a Gillette Ball End Tech? Would you like to?

I have one that I am going to PIF. The first shave I had after seeing the light was with my grandfather's Gillette. It holds a special place in my heart. It was a nice, mild shave, and it made me think of him.

Since then, I've collected a few. The one I'm going to send you is likely from the 50's. It has no date code. It has been polished by Tonimus, and run through an ultrasonic cleaner. Cleaned, polished and sanitized -- ready for you to use!

I will even throw in a few blades! A Feather, Derby, Personna, Astra, maybe a few other ones too. Just so you can try it out with several types of blades.

BUT WAIT, there's more! I'm going to include a new container of VDH Deluxe shave soap.

How do you qualify for this PIF? If you've never tried a Tech, you're in! Just reply to this post saying, "I've never tried a Tech and I wanna!"

I'll keep this open until December 14, where a winner will be chosen randomly. Anyone is invited to participate. I'll send this anywhere, so people outside of the CONUS are eligible also.

Sadly I am not in.. but this is a great PIF!! I have a ball end tech myself (J-3) and I love it. Granted I prefer the SS Flare Tip that I have better. You are going to make someone's Christmas just a little bit brighter...
I've never tried a Tech and I wanna!

After all, vintage Gillette razors seem to be king, and the Tech has quite a reputation.
I have never tried a Tech either. The only vintage Gillette I have tried is a NEW open comb which was a little too aggressive for me. Count me in please!
Great PIF! I'm not in. I have a Ball End Tech and LOVE it! Mild shaver, nice knurled handle, classic styling. Get in on this Gents!
Great PIF. I love my tech razor. Been looking on ebay to get my little brother one but he'll be fine with the super adjustable I got him. Not in.
I'm in. I've only experienced the super speed so far. (I'm not complaining, it's been a great razor so far, just simple fact) I've never tried a tech and I wanna!
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Thank you for including us non CONUS people too! So often we get left out. Thanks for this generous PIF also. I've never tried a Tech and I wanna!
Very generous! I'm not in, as I am already a Tech lover. The ball end Techs look insubstantial, but holy smoke do they give a good shave when paired with a sharp blade!
Techs are my FAVORITES! I have 5 now, even though I have been using a DE for 1 month. One of those 5 is for my father for Christmas. I'm not in, but GREAT PIF and I know whoever receives it will be happy with a shaver so forgiving!
Not in, but thanks for the great PIF. I have a tech and I think it gives a great shave. A nice mild razor for when I'm in a hurry for work or what not.
Not in, but a great PIF. I had the pleasure of polishing up a few of Josh's ball end techs, and the guy who gets this one is getting one hell of a razor. I love my Travel Tech. Best shaver I have.
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