Why are these so expensive, what price would you pay for one and are they worth it?
Why are these so expensive, what price would you pay for one and are they worth it?
If you are referring to the British aristocrats they really are more expensive than the American ones.
For once they seem to be rarer. They are also plated with rodhium, a very expensive metal.
Besides, I would say that there is a consensus that they were built with higher quality.
I have a MINT boxed British Aristocrat, silver i guess that's rodhium then ?
box is a little worn but the razor is stunning, if i were to sell, what would be a good guide price ......?
Will post pics tomorrow.....
One is absolutely mint - complete with the instruction paper: View attachment 65498
The other one, I have just won on an auction site is the same model (1930s UK Aristocrat) but looks like it has been used extensively and not in mint condition. I look forward to collecting this one tomorrow and using it.