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Gillette adjustables

I just wanna write to see some opinions on gillette adjustables. which of the three is the best shaver? I have a slim and and recently got a black beauty, and a fatboy coming my way. The slim has gotten me incredibly close and smooth shaves even on the 9 setting, Im eager to try the other two to see how it goes.
I get GREAT shaves with my short handle super adjustable. I have a Slim on the way, and a fatboy as well! The fatboy is said to be "stuck shut" I am hoping its just shaving soap gunk and some Scrubbing bubbles will take care of it. If not, it has the removable base, so I can take it apart...

I'm selling off a few Super Speeds as we speak. Won't need them with so many adjustables around!

What I like most is that you can take a mild but smooth blade, and run an adjustable wide open and get a SUPER shave! Where a mild razor and mild blade might be irritation causing...
I just wanna write to see some opinions on gillette adjustables. which of the three is the best shaver? I have a slim and and recently got a black beauty, and a fatboy coming my way. The slim has gotten me incredibly close and smooth shaves even on the 9 setting, Im eager to try the other two to see how it goes.

Welcome to B&B. This question will get you a variety of responses, and each will vary quite differently. I prefer the Toggle which is similar to the Fatboy but much heavier with a slight negligible head variance. With that said I can lean with the Fatboy out of the 3 that you have to compare. The Fatboy is king.
I much prefer the result I get from the slim though I think the fattie looks nicer. I have a couple of SA's but haven't shaved with them.
I just wanna write to see some opinions on gillette adjustables. which of the three is the best shaver? I have a slim and and recently got a black beauty, and a fatboy coming my way. The slim has gotten me incredibly close and smooth shaves even on the 9 setting, Im eager to try the other two to see how it goes.

Get one of each. Use them and decide which one you like. Your skill level and face is the deciding factor.
Is there a list somewhere of all the different models of DE Gillette adjustables that were made? Slim, Fat Boy, 195, Toggle and ??
I like my Slim better than my FatBoy, although the FatBoy is a close runner up. I don't have a Black Beauty to compare with, but I've heard they are the best of them all as far as aggressiveness.
I have a Slim and the long and short-handled versions of the Super Adjustable. Of the 3, I prefer the short-handled SA
I have a few of each but prefer the greater concentration of weight at the head of the FatBoy. Keeps me from adding pressure. Someone on B&B once described the FatBoy as the Harley Davidson of DE razors. I agree.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
FB feels great in the hand. Slim gives a slightly flatter shave angle. Long handle SA is nice, just wish it was all nickel or whatever. It is really close. Any one of them is great. If I had to pick just one, I would say all three.
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