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GFT's Spanish leather aftershave-DON"T BOTHER!

Avoid this stuff-although I love the GFT Spanish leather cologne, the aftershave borders on being worthless. Of the six or seven qualities you look for in an aftershave, I can't name one it does well--this one is woefully bad. GFT should be ashamed selling such a pathetic product.
Can you post ingredients anyway? I would like to get them into the wiki page GFT_Spanish_Leather_Aftershave.

If it's like their Limes aftershave, it's Ethanol B, Fragrance and Deminerlized Water, followed by the specific allergens unique to the fragrance. I know this isn't good enough for you to use for the wiki; I'm providing it for discussion purposes. The Trumper aftershave splashes are très old school - literally watered-down colognes, with no goodies to help with healing. Whether or not these make for good aftershaves is subjective. Obviously the OP thinks they don't, and I tend to agree. They are also quite expensive for what they are. I don't know if I would go so far as to say Trumper should be "ashamed," though. They've been making them that way for years, and obviously they sell, or Trumper would not continue to produce them.
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I have always wondered about the Trumper aftershaves since as noted they don't seem to get all that much play on the boards. There is always a bit of chatter about them but no in depth discussion threads. I think the issue is price vs performance. Sure, Pens is a lot more but is positioned as a luxury brand and from all accounts the a/s is good stuff. Trumper is pricey as well but seems to perform no better than Taylor's cologne scented aftershaves and they are about half the price. I'd still like to try the Spanish Leather again though.

Cheers, Todd
What puzzles me is how poorly the GFT Spanish Leather A/S performs. It doesn't give a hint of burn. It leaves your face feeling taught, dry and with a rough kind of grainy/powdery feel to it. Doesn't moisturize a bit. The scent fades QUICKLY, like fifteen minutes or so. I have used mine four times, each time, the same results. Yesterday, I rinsed this stuff off about ten minutes after applying. Applied some Captains bayrum, and got some welcome relief. So price vs. performance the GFT Spanish Leather fails miserably. Just wondering Phog, are you a KU fan like I am? That's where the BIGBLUE comes from.
I like GFT Spanish Leather. Granted, if I need an AS with healing or good skin conditioning properties it isn't one I would reach for. If I want good skin care I go with RazoRock King Louis. I wear Spanish Leather for the scent.
What puzzles me is how poorly the GFT Spanish Leather A/S performs. It doesn't give a hint of burn. It leaves your face feeling taught, dry and with a rough kind of grainy/powdery feel to it. Doesn't moisturize a bit. The scent fades QUICKLY, like fifteen minutes or so. I have used mine four times, each time, the same results. Yesterday, I rinsed this stuff off about ten minutes after applying. Applied some Captains bayrum, and got some welcome relief. So price vs. performance the GFT Spanish Leather fails miserably. Just wondering Phog, are you a KU fan like I am? That's where the BIGBLUE comes from.

Yeah BigBlue, I am a Jayhawk born and bred. Did my forum title give it away?:001_rolle I am really NOT liking this new telly contract they have. I am an antenna and streaming guy now and last weeks tune up with Pittsburg State and tonight's game with Fort Hayes St. are not on the Kansas City broadcast networks. I think they are on Topeka's but my antenna doesn't point that way. And the ESPN3 thing is dodgy at best. Many of the games are blacked out even though Allen Field House is sold out every single game. There is no lost revenue by showing the games locally. You could sell double the tickets if they had the space and you would still have a million people in the metro area to watch it on tv. Bizarre and it ticks me off.

Cheers, Todd
Try Truefitt & Hill Spanish Leather aftershave lotion.


Putting aside the dissimilarity of the scents (to my nose, the modern T&H SL smells very little like the Trumper), how do T&H a/s lotions compare to those of Trumper in terms of function? Given the ingredients (as shown on the Wiki), I always assumed that they fall pretty much into the same watered-down cologne category as Trumper. But not having tried any of them, I can't really say how the ingredients translate in practice.
Just got a bottle of this as a gift and used it the other night. I certainly got the burn after splashing this on. No complaints here.
My only GFT aftershave is Skye, which is nice. Not a barn-burner, but pleasant and seems to do the job. Interesting bottle.


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I like GFT Spanish Leather. Granted, if I need an AS with healing or good skin conditioning properties it isn't one I would reach for. If I want good skin care I go with RazoRock King Louis. I wear Spanish Leather for the scent.

Use this one mainly because I like the scent.
GFT Spanish Leather AS is a splash - alcohol and fragrance. I don't expect it to perform like Proraso balm or B&M Kyovu; I apply it over Thayers for the scent and it works fine for me.
GFT Spanish Leather AS is a great scented aftershave.

Perhaps you got an old bottle. i picked one up here on the BST.

It has a slight burn, and the leather scent lasts a long time on me.

The only criticism I have of it, is the high alcohol content that does leave a dry feeling.

In store sample I have tried, I have not found any scent that matches the great warm leather scent of GFT.
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