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Getting a big mole removed from my neck today

Well I have wanted to do this since I started shaving (27 years ago). It's about 7mm in diameter, and about 3mm high, which allowed me to shave most of the time without nicking it.

Now that I am using a DE, I am nicking it more often, especially with the more aggressive razors.

I think it will go well as a quick procedure, but I hope I don't hear the doctor say "We've got a bleeder!" LOL :w00t:
It will go fine, but good luck anyway. I had a smaller mole removed from just below my bottom lip & couldn't believe how quick & painless the procedure was.
Best of luck. But, as Reevers already said, you will be fine.

I have a mole on my face and now a skin tag less than 1" away from it. I had no issue shaving it with the Fusion, but with just about anything else I have to be very careful. I think I have nicked it only once (and the skin tag once or twice, too). Probably not big enough to take off yet--but it would make my shave much easier.
I will happily lend out my Parker 91R for quick and easy removal of such obstacles :)

Seriously, though - good luck and I'm sure it will go just fine.
I will happily lend out my Parker 91R for quick and easy removal of such obstacles :)

LOL! This is what I am trying to avoid! :001_tongu

Thanks y'all. I know it will be good. I am actually pretty excited because I will be able to shave more freely, and actually save a couple of minutes of being so careful.
I'm sure all will go well, but let me ask you have written your will ?
Thought about PIFing your shaving supplies on B&B ?
Good luck! with your 'partial decapitation'. I'm sure it will go well. Report the results and I for one won't insist, "Pictures or it didn't happen!"
Been there. Just got it done a six month ago. Don't know about painless as that can of freeze has a bit of a zap to it but well worth it. On the recovery front it was none to pretty as I didn't know what to expect but it does scab/bubble up etc. Healed nicely but still a "ring" of discoloration around the skin that should fade in time. Good luck.
Good luck! with your 'partial decapitation'. I'm sure it will go well. Report the results and I for one won't insist, "Pictures or it didn't happen!"


I shave my head and have a mole on my head about this size and would be very interested in seeing and hearing about the removal process.
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