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Germolene anyone?

Ok my shave this morning was a bit rushed and i managed to get shave burn on my neck area. i'm a DE shaver for around 5 years now and i have the usual arrays of post shave creams and balms.............

But my wife had left a tube of germolene on the sink after yet more scraps from my 3 year old and his obsession to tear arse around the house thinking his either buzz light year , woody , thomas the tank engine or just lately tree fu tom saving the world etc etc.

so i applied some and yes smells like i have been my sons side kick in his advantages but it really worked well .

just wonder if anyone else has used this or other antiseptic creams and what results they have had?
I've used it before for cuts and things and it's great stuff. It does wonders...however, I have never used as an aftershave or the like.
Interesting concept, actually. I might actually throw some Neosporin or something on as a an addition to my aftershave routine if I have an especially infortunate shaving experience.
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