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German Shaving Products

Hello all,

I have a friend who is en route to Germany for business. He said he'll bring me home some supplies, if they can be found easily along this trip.

I don't know where in Germany he's going, but I would think there ought to be some things there I should try.

So, fellow wet shavers, what products from Germany are must-tries? The clock is ticking so I need to let him know ASAP.

Your input is greatly appreciated!
The DM drugstore chain stocks Irish Moos and Tabac as well as Speick, but not Tabac Soap. This can be found in Müller drugstores (another chain). Some Müller stores have the complete Tabac line, well worth checking out.
As for razors, there are shaving stores in most cities where you can get Merkur razors at very competetive prices.
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Just make sure you get some Irisch Moos shaving soap along with their AS.
Costs next to nothing compared with importing this stuff and it is really worth trying.
Is that nivea cream any good? I've seen it cheap at shoppers drug mart here in Toronto.

I'm new but I love the German Nivea cream. Strikes me as having the same performance as the proraso cream - very thick and protective, at least to my face... Good stuff.
Tabac, Irisch Moos, Nivea, Palmolive and Wilkinson products can be found at plenty of drug stores, Speick may be a little harder to find.
I'm new but I love the German Nivea cream. Strikes me as having the same performance as the proraso cream - very thick and protective, at least to my face... Good stuff.

+1. It's a great cream. Pair it up with a Nivea AS balm and you have a consistent and cheap everyday setup that rivals some of the more expensive stuff.
I know I didn't ask the initial question, but thanks y'all. My sister just left for Berlin yesterday and is spending three days there. After that, she will be in Poland for four days. I gave her a short list and some money to help feed my addiction. I'll let y'all know how it goes!
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