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Genesee Beer

Live about 40 mins from Genesee brewery. Won't touch their beers, PBR is better for the same price...

Genny Cream ale gets the "creaminess" from vegetable oil. Now ya know why the next day is rough from what I've heard. Never drank enough to know.

Honestly, the cream ale was not terrible. But nothing I'd buy again, either.
First beer that I ever drank, back in high school. Nice to see it's still in production, but I haven't thought about buying one in years--decades, in fact. These days, when I get nostalgic for a beer from the old days, I drink Straub from St Marys PA.

Genny Cream ale gets the "creaminess" from vegetable oil. Now ya know why the next day is rough from what I've heard.

Are you sure about that? Why would they put oil in a beer? I think that the feel you get from drinking a Genny is just because you're expecting to get a lager but it isn't one. Cream ales are a funny critter--sort of a hybrid of ale and lager. Genny Cream is warm fermented like an ale, then krausened (conditioned with fermenting wort from a newer beer). Probably has some adjuncts like American lager--corn, sugar--and it ends up pretty dry, like a lager. Fullsteam, a craft brewery down here in NC, makes a cream ale with grits that isn't too bad.
Genesee Cream ale, you couldn't pay me enough. I had a worse hangover after drinking one tallboy of Genesee cream ale than 4 pints of fortified bum wine. There are better beers out there, all of them.
Genesee Cream ale, you couldn't pay me enough. I had a worse hangover after drinking one tallboy of Genesee cream ale than 4 pints of fortified bum wine. There are better beers out there, all of them.

Not my experience. For me this is more of a nostalgia thing.
I haven't noticed that Genesee gave me more of a hangover than any other beer. Hangovers are especially common when drinking sugary drinks (knowledge from my bartending days). So if your goal is to get hammered while avoiding hangovers then avoid sugar as much as possible and drink something like whiskey and water. I suspect that the sugary bum wine was the guilty party that led to your hangover and not the beer.

That being said I recently had a couple Genny Cream Ales and quickly realized that my memory of them was much better than the reality of what they are. They smelled and tasted the exact same as they did, however I could only drink two before wanting something better. Even though it was cool trying something again that I remembered fondly I hadn't had in years, in reality there's plenty of way better beers out there.
I had this stuff (which we called "Genocide" Beer) quite often in college in the 70's...seems to me we could get six-packs for under $2! Not sure I'd do it now, even for old times' sake...too many great local breweries to test first.

Happy New Year to you, too!:clap:

This thread brings back college memories (Genny cream, of course), some of them actually good. Thanks!
You can count on Genny taste
'Cause it's brewed in just one place
Gennesee-in' is believin'!

Loved it in college back at Albany State. We used to get pitchers for $2.50
Oh man I remember drinking Genesee! Use to get kegs of that when I went to Pitt. I really liked the stuff. Do they still make it?
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Coming of age in Orange County NY, I drank my fair share of Genny Cream Ale back in the late 70s- it was my go to beer while my buddies were drinking Miller or Michelob. Stop at the local 7-11 and grab a sixer to drink in the car before heading into the local club to watch a band play. I can still find it in a couple local liquor stores in central NJ... every so often I will grab some for old times sake.
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