Would you please allow me to ask you some questions re: your quest for a great shave? Feel free to post. Or delete my questions. I mean no harm no foul. I guess I want to judge where I stand in the ritual of the art of manly grooming. What got you started? Is there always more room for razors, soaps ect?Is this a hobby dedicated to your love of the shave?Or in any hobby can there be money for the collector in this market? I have been turned off for years by the moderncompany called gillette. Those damn multi blades have gotten so silly. On day I just decided to go back to where I started from an old hand me down gold tech that was my grand dads. Like I said I want to keep things on an even keel. So with that said so far I have about 12 or so Gillette's. have invested in a 1.50can of noxzema foam, a septic pencil and a 100 pack of Astra blades. So any suggestions would again be a great help.