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General Shaving Discussion Stewardship


My elbows leak
Staff member
Greetings fellow shavers.
Certainly, no one on B&B has not by now heard of the Stewards being assigned to forums to give back a little of what B&B gives us every day.
Happily, I have been selected as the Steward for the General Shaving Discussion Forum. I'm not sure why, I don't know that much about Generals. But, as there is no Admiral Shaving Discussion Forum here, we will just forge ahead.
Just what does a Steward do?
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is an ethic that embodies cooperative efforts in the management of resources within a community to actively engage in the prevention of loss of use or to act in the interest of long-term sustainability of something important to that community.
Wow. That's a mouthful, but really, that's what it boils down to.
All of us working together to keep B&B healthy and happy so that not only we may continue to enjoy its benefits, but so that it is there for those guys and gals who have not yet logged in for the first time.
I look forward to the help that you all are famous for, and for the ideas, and thoughts on how we can keep this place as great as it is today for the folks who find it tomorrow.
I look forward to be a sounding board for new ideas, I look forward to asking help of you guys in formulating new pages for the Wiki, and improving the ones that are there now, and I look forward to the continued friendship, humor and camaraderie that makes me proud to be a member of Badger and Blade.
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Congrats, Phil.:thumbup1:
I don't often post in the "GSD", but I try to follow along. I enjoy your posting style and think the powers that be made an excellent choice.
Congratulations! I have always enjoyed reading your posts, insight, and interactions in the community.
Congratulations Phil, we can now expect many more converts to the Veg! I have come to think that you probably own stock in Pinaud. Can't think of anyone better for the job.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Thanks for the welcome and kind words fellas.

I'm still not sure how I managed to eke through with such an awesome group as those guys that make up the Stewards.

I welcome your thoughts and Ideas.

Bear with me as I'm overseas right now and dealing with some pretty horrible internet connections.

I'm hoping on hope that I'm back home in a week or so and can get on here without it taking a minute and a half to load a page!! :thumbup:
Congrats Phil. I'm not sure why you want to be call Stewart, and how you got selected, but it sounds like a good thing. If there is ever a 'Ralph' program, i'm in. Ralph is a cool name.

<SWMBO whispering in my ear>..... um, it seems I've misread the contents of this thread.... carry on....:blushing:

Seriously though, it's nice to see B&B reaching out to users and vice versa. this is a great place!
Congratulations Phil. I'm sure that you will do a great job on what is a terrific forum. If you wear the badge, does that make you the Sheriff of the General? :)
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