I just got a new silvertip brush, and was wondering ..does soaking the brush in hot water while i shower damages the bristles ?
Badger brushes, AFAIK, have a knot that is adhered to the base with glue. The concern with water that is far too hot is that the bristles will fall out if the temperature breaks apart the adhesive.
I think it's been mentioned here before that the thing to do is soak the bristles but not submerge the handle of the brush. You don't want the knot to swell and possibly split the handle. That seems a remote possibility to me, but it was mentioned on another thread.
I fill the sink with hot water that I am going to shave with (not uncomfortable to touch hot) and put the brush in the sink while I shower.
I personally never saw the wisdom of buying a brush that is so delicate that you can't put it in water.
Kind of like Merkur saying exposure to water destroying their plating isn't a warranty issue.
C'mon - it's wet shaving. There's going to be water. If the handle or the bristles can't stand up to water, it isn't a brush I really want.