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Gems, you're on notice.

I'm not one to curse a blade when user error may be to blame, so when I got a few bad shaves out of Gem blades when I first started SE shaving, I figured I'd plug on. I gave the Gems a rest, popped in some Treets, and started getting steadily better shaves, until my shave on Sunday was flawless. Easily one of the best shaves I've ever had.

Considering that I was getting consistent results, I thought maybe it was time to look at the Gems again. My shave was going well, with a 4-shave old Treet, until it started to pull just a bit on my left neck. Popped it out, dropped in a clean Gem, fresh from the pack, and assumed the position.

Slice. Skip. Shred. Bend, spindle, mutilate, tear. Cut everything except hair on the first stroke. Check the blade, it's seated well, do another careful stroke. Slice. I finished with my Slim, no problem. I now have Bandaids covering sizable neck acreage, and the used Treet was better than the new Gem!

Figures, I just traded my last Treets! Well, off to the store.

Anybody else have a blade that's just cursed?
There have been other people having the same issue with the new GEMs specifically the 200 packs from Ted Pella. You may have the same problem.

I can count myself in the numbers who have purchased these rough blades. My first pack of Gems from Wallgreens were great. This bulk pack is not.
I'm not one to curse a blade when user error may be to blame, so when I got a few bad shaves out of Gem blades when I first started SE shaving, I figured I'd plug on. I gave the Gems a rest, popped in some Treets, and started getting steadily better shaves, until my shave on Sunday was flawless. Easily one of the best shaves I've ever had.

Considering that I was getting consistent results, I thought maybe it was time to look at the Gems again. My shave was going well, with a 4-shave old Treet, until it started to pull just a bit on my left neck. Popped it out, dropped in a clean Gem, fresh from the pack, and assumed the position.

Slice. Skip. Shred. Bend, spindle, mutilate, tear. Cut everything except hair on the first stroke. Check the blade, it's seated well, do another careful stroke. Slice. I finished with my Slim, no problem. I now have Bandaids covering sizable neck acreage, and the used Treet was better than the new Gem!

Figures, I just traded my last Treets! Well, off to the store.

Anybody else have a blade that's just cursed?

I have an image of you standing at your sink cursing me.
For some of us the Ted Pella experience has been awful.
I NEVER recommend them even though some people here will argue all day that they are the same blade.
They are made in the same factory and the are both stamped with GEM on it.
That much I agree with.

I think the T.P. blades are a little duller and the coating of PTFE (Teflon) is thicker/industrial than on the Walgreen's pack of shaving blades.
It irritates my face and my whiskers are pulled not cut.

My suggestion, Buy Walgreen's blades every time you stop in.

For some of us the Ted Pella experience has been awful.
I NEVER recommend them even though some people here will argue all day that they are the same blade.
They are made in the same factory and the are both stamped with GEM on it.
That much I agree with.

I think the T.P. blades are a little duller and the coating of PTFE (Teflon) is thicker/industrial than on the Walgreen's pack of shaving blades.
It irritates my face and my whiskers are pulled not cut.

My suggestion, Buy Walgreen's blades every time you stop in.

When I first started using GEMs about 2 years ago, I bought plenty of sample packs. I prefered the PAL carbon blades, but of course they only lasted two shaves.
I found the personna GEMs in the blade dispenser not as good as any carbon on the first shave, but of course got at 3 - 4 shaves out of it.
Not being able to buy the personna GEMs cheap bulk, I got the 'TP' blades.
I found them not as good as the personnas, but lasted an extra shave or two. But I was disappointed at first.

But really all that is in the past, I don't know if I remember facts right, as my razors, technique, lather has probably improved immensely.

They, my 2 year old batch of TP blades, aren't as good as my favourite sharp brands of DE blade in the sense they are so smooth I don't know they are there*, but they don't drag, cut or irritate bad enough to be uncomfortable. Not the sharpest blade, but hardly ever cuts or gives weepers, and does a better job in the end than any DE blade, even if the DE felt better at the time the results weren't as good.
I'm getting worried though now it seems the old green text coated SS GEMs have gone or are not as good as they used to be, and there may not be any decent stainless blades left for bulk buyers out of the USA...
Then again, it may be the opposite, all the old stock green label may be available in all the other countries that never sold in high volume. (I need to remember all the australian scientific blade suppliers because a google search fails ) Edit: damn $39 for 100 "tp" blades locally. That's too much even if they are the old 'better' stock.

*may be a factor of an se razor as well though
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For me The Walgreen's version of the SE Personna GEM blade work the best.
I am sticking with that until I find something better.

As for DE shaving, the Medical Use Personna blades have been great.
Put one in a Red Tip and I am good for 4/5 shaves with no nick/weepers etc.

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I have great luck with the GEM stainless steel blades from Walgreens

For me The Walgreen's version of the SE Personna GEM blade work the best.
I am sticking with that until I find something better.

As for DE shaving, the Medical Use Personna blades have been great.
Put one in a Red Tip and I am god for 4/5 shaves with no nick/weepers etc.

Yeah I think I found them better myself except for three things. One they don't last as long, two they are about 50c each, three, I can't get them at all (the place I got the sample pack don't offer them anymore).
I got the old TP blades at 20c each, and as I said, not quite as sharp on first impression, but longer lasting and I get closer shaves now more than ever - probably due to a combination of factors, but can't complain about the old TP.
I recently was involved in a group buy, I bought 100. About 1 in 4 cut me to hell. Right out of the package. I notice that they say "for industrial use only" I've never had one ounce of trouble with the ones from Walgreens, so I know that my technique is all right. I'm going to give the remainder of them away to people to use in the razor knives
I recently was involved in a group buy, I bought 100. I notice that they say "for industrial use only"

Someone told me that they've always said that, so if true then I don't think that is a change in policy as far as their use goes.
Well, I just tried the Pella Gems. Same result, and I started in a different quadrant to make it so I wasn't going over any irritation to start. Now I have two nicked-up quadrants of my face instead of just one.

Looks like Treets unless I can find something else, and DE only for a while.

Oddly, it's a wonderfully close shave if I ignore the nicks. I like the 1912, just have to use Treet blades.
Well, I just tried the Pella Gems. Same result, and I started in a different quadrant to make it so I wasn't going over any irritation to start. Now I have two nicked-up quadrants of my face instead of just one.

Looks like Treets unless I can find something else, and DE only for a while.

Oddly, it's a wonderfully close shave if I ignore the nicks. I like the 1912, just have to use Treet blades.

Want your Treets back? Weird that you can't get along with the stainless blades but can with the carbon steel.
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