I'm not one to curse a blade when user error may be to blame, so when I got a few bad shaves out of Gem blades when I first started SE shaving, I figured I'd plug on. I gave the Gems a rest, popped in some Treets, and started getting steadily better shaves, until my shave on Sunday was flawless. Easily one of the best shaves I've ever had.
Considering that I was getting consistent results, I thought maybe it was time to look at the Gems again. My shave was going well, with a 4-shave old Treet, until it started to pull just a bit on my left neck. Popped it out, dropped in a clean Gem, fresh from the pack, and assumed the position.
Slice. Skip. Shred. Bend, spindle, mutilate, tear. Cut everything except hair on the first stroke. Check the blade, it's seated well, do another careful stroke. Slice. I finished with my Slim, no problem. I now have Bandaids covering sizable neck acreage, and the used Treet was better than the new Gem!
Figures, I just traded my last Treets! Well, off to the store.
Anybody else have a blade that's just cursed?
Considering that I was getting consistent results, I thought maybe it was time to look at the Gems again. My shave was going well, with a 4-shave old Treet, until it started to pull just a bit on my left neck. Popped it out, dropped in a clean Gem, fresh from the pack, and assumed the position.
Slice. Skip. Shred. Bend, spindle, mutilate, tear. Cut everything except hair on the first stroke. Check the blade, it's seated well, do another careful stroke. Slice. I finished with my Slim, no problem. I now have Bandaids covering sizable neck acreage, and the used Treet was better than the new Gem!
Figures, I just traded my last Treets! Well, off to the store.
Anybody else have a blade that's just cursed?