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GEMs are new for me

I never heard of GEM razors. THey say to be superb. Now I hesitate between the Slant 39c and GEM.
Any model for ultra close shaves?
Do they really need special blades? Options?
Try and get a 1912 GEM model. It's a great SE model. :thumbup1: They do require SE blades which can be obtained at Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-aid.
I'd say go for both.

If you get a GEM, make sure you get blades that are specifically made for shaving.
Superb is an understatement.Take a few minutes and search for topics on "1912" "Micromatic" and "Gems". You'll find plenty to read about them.
Gems are single edge (SE) razors that use SE blades. Although there are only a few choices for blades, they're all pretty good. I use Gem Personna blades from Walgreens and Ted Pella blades purchased online. Most agree that a SE razor will give you closer shave than a DE. If you haven't tried one yet, I strongly urge you to do so! Any of the 1912 models would be a great place to start. In addition to Gem, also look for 1912 models made by Ever Ready and Star -- all were made by American Safety Razor and all perform similarly.
Good types of blades include Gem Blue Star, Treet, CVS, and Gem Super Stainless. I can find all of these except the Blue Stars at local drug stores and groceries. The stainless ones will last longest. If you like them, you can save by buying blades in bulk online, the Pellas that you'll read about.

You can find vintage Gem razors for very little; there's no reason to pay more than $15 for one in good condition, and you can probably find one for less than $10, so you'll have plenty of money left to buy your slant. Any variation of the 1912 model will give a great shave, and they are also very user friendly. Don't overlook the Ever-Ready and Star brands, which also made "1912" models. All of them were eventually part of the same company.
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I'd say go for both.

If you get a GEM, make sure you get blades that are specifically made for shaving.

If what you mean by 'special blades' is, 'is there a difference between the shaving blades and the hardware section blades', then yes, absolutely. The hardware blades will not shave you in any way you want them to.
GEMs are great and are a lot easier for me to handle than DEs. I can't reccomend them enough.

Which is why I've been blabbing about them for a couple of weeks now.

My Ever-Ready 1912 is the finest shaving safety razor I have ever used :001_smile

Have fun !

Best regards

Hi, Pahtman,
Thanks for your help.
I found some nice 1912s at ebay. I wondered if it would be a good option to buy one and restore it. I am thinking of chroming or even anodizing it.
Does a 1912 have mobile parts to be repaired, struts, joints or similar? If any, can a skill hand to get it mended?
Do you think that it is the machine for ultra close shaves?
From my ignoring point of view, thinking of a razor from the 20s-30s in good and operative condition seems impossible.
Thanks for your patience.
The Gem 1912 is arguably the best shaving safety razor ever made and a great one to start your SE shaving journey with. You will likely get as good as, or better shave with it than you will with the Slant for a fraction of the cost. . . . . If you want to go with more agressive SE, you might consider the Open Comb Micromatic. Anything the Slant can do, it can do better.

The Gem 1912 is arguably the best shaving safety razor ever made and a great one to start your SE shaving journey with. You will likely get as good as, or better shave with it than you will with the Slant for a fraction of the cost. . . . . If you want to go with more agressive SE, you might consider the Open Comb Micromatic. Anything the Slant can do, it can do better.

Hi, DD,
I think that, considering the grade of aggressiveness, I will go for the open comb Micromatic. Agree?
Be well.
Hi, DD,
I think that, considering the grade of aggressiveness, I will go for the open comb Micromatic. Agree?
Be well.

"Ultra close shaves" are the Open Comb Micromatic's specialty! Actually, the first GEM shave I had was with an Open Comb Micromatic (OCMM). It was great - extremely close! I've since acquired a 1912 and an EverReady 1914. I've only tried the 1912 GEM and can honestly say it well deserves the reputation it has. Easy to use, forgiving, and gives very good shaves - though the OCMM is still a closer shaver; though it can bite you if you're not paying attention.

Enjoy the journey into the world of GEMS.
SE shaving, the shave quality of a “straight” razor, with the all the convenience of a “safety razor".

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