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Gem people,... Where?..and..What?

Where do you Like to buy ( Web SIte ) your SE blades ??
and What Blades do you like the most ?

I have to choose a place and a Brand for,a first Gem shave !!

Alex B Thanks'!
Honestly have to say my smoothest, closest, and slickest SE shave comes from Treet blades purchased at Rite-Aid. They are carbon steel blades and don't give me much more than four or five shaves each, but are super smooth performers!
Didn't you post this thread already? :001_huh:

Next time you're in Manhattan, you can go to Pasteur's (or a Bed Bath & Beyond) for the GEM stainless, Whitney Chemist or C.O. Bigelow (the pharmacy) for the carbon steel GEM Blue Stars, or likely any of the vendors listed in the Gotham thread in the Shopping & Deals forum for something.

If you want what a lot of guys seem to consider the ultimate SE blade, you can buy the Ted Pella PFTE-coated stainless blades from the Ted Pella website. Personna sell the uncoated GEM stainless through their alice.com storefront. Some say the difference is fairly minor.

Jump in already. SEs are fun.
I ordered 200!! , PFTE from Ted pella . I wonted to try some different ones and find out what I really would like , like my DE's but..... what ever . I guess there isn't much out there that competes for the top of the line .

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