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GEM from a PIF

I won this a couple weeks back and had tried it a few days after its arrival, however being my first time with a SE, I got a so so shave and halfway through ended up switching to my DE to finish up the shave. I decided to give it another shot and tried it again yesterday, with 3 days growth I was leaning to my Aristocrat but decided to give this Lil beauty another shot. I am glad I did! I ended up with a nice Irritation free BBS shave. I was surprised to get that good of a shave on my second time and was very happy!

Thanks go out to Thubbard76 for a Great PIF!!:thumbup1::badger:

It will be in my rotation for now, and if in the future it moves out I will be sure to PIF it to another newcomer, but for now its all mine!! hahaha
I have 3 GEMs in my rotation, they do take a bit to learn (different shave angle), but with a Pella blade, they are indeed great shavers.
Yea that is something I noticed..my shave was noticeably longer as I took my time to see what angles where working. But full 3 pass shave + touch up passes was irritation and nick free, and under 40min. I was surprised it would be as nice as it was for my second time out with it.
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