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GEM #41 Pushbutton NOS

Hey all!

I am not a single edge kind of guy. Well.... maybe I am? I haven't used one yet. However, I was out and about and found this Gem pushbutton brand new in its case. I just thought I would post some pictures for everyone to see. Enjoy.



I just scored a used Gem push-button a while back with the case blade bank and instructions. The Gem push-button is a smooth mild shaver I hope you enjoy it!
If you are a collector and if you want to sell it as NOS it will effect the value considerably.

I do like collecting razors although I could by no means be considered a collector. I am still not sure how I feel about SE razors. I'd definitely like to bust my chops on a non-NOS SE.

I think I might sell it here soon. Best to just admire for now.
The thing I think though is you don't know 100% it is NOS, and if you used it no-one would know :wink2:. If you were that sort of person :ohmy:.
I say give it a try with new blades and sell as mint if you don't like it.
I wouldn't pay extra for NOS if the box is open, not sure if others would.
Just my 2p.
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