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GEM 1912 razor burn


because of all the love SE razors receive online, I got myself a GEM 1912. I've been shaving for a year and a half with a DE and can get irritation-free shaves, that is, if I don't go for BBS on the neck. Which annoys me - hence, the GEM.

So, I've given the GEM a try today and I must say, it really shaves as close as people say - BBS, even on the neck. BUT. Today I had to use some anti-biotic cream because I got such terrible razor-burn from it. Even on the area of my right lower jaw, although I never had any problems there before. Normally, my only sensitive area is my neck. But the GEM made most parts of my face feel like second degree burns... I am pretty sure that I didn't apply any pressure - the angle might've been off though. Is it possible that a wrong angle could cause that? Prep was like always: shower, hot towel, face lathering (I Coloniali cream). The blades are the PTFE coated GEM blades from Connaught.

Any ideas?

- Stefan
If you have the angle too steep you'll scrape your skin badly. Angle should be very​ close to zero for the 1912. And you can actually use a bit of pressure. Press the flat of the head against your cheek and then tilt down on the handle ever​ so slightly.
Hi aimsport,

thanks for your reply.

Yes, the blade was properly inserted. I did some thinking though. IIRC the cause for razor burn is removing too much skin - which happens with either too much pressure or improper angle. So I must've done either of those wrong. My guess is angle though. Unfortunately the washing machine was in the spinning cycle during my shave this morning, so I didn't get the GEM's famous audio-feedback :laugh:.

I'll keep trying and report back. Practice makes perfect.


Thanks dcobranchi, you posted this just as I was typing my reply to aimsport. I'll keep that in mind during my next shave.
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Had my first shave with a 1912 today as well! Pretty smooth, but I was searching around the entire time for the proper angle. I'll try dcobranchi advice next time as well.

As for the "famous audio-feedback" I did notice it is very loud. However, I've go no idea how to interpret the sound in relation to the shaving angle. It was so much louder than my DE razors I thought something was wrong. How to know when the sound is good, or correct?

Is there a video with audio showing this? I would love to develop a sense for the "sound".
Aside from practice and the usual comments about prep/lather/using the right blades (I prefer the ptfe-coated ones - Connaught Shaving, among others, sells them), I'd echo the angle comments.

Keep the angle as shallow as possible initially (cap against face) and then trying a bit of angle as you get comfortable with that.

I don't know of anything that sounds like a 1912. Fun, isn't it? :biggrin1:
What I've found that works is to lay the razor flat against your face and then just tilt your hand VERY slightly down while applying some pressure. It took me some experimenting to get used to the right angle and for the first couple of shaves I kept a DE on hand to shave my trouble spots.
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