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Garage Wash Basin As Shaving Den?

I have a wash basin in the garage, and have been using it to wash up after working on my other hobby (automobiles). But I was thinking of turning it into a man den and keep my razors, adjustable barber stool, and other shaving supplies there. The only thing it's lacking is a wall-mount mirror (however, I do have a make-up mirror) and better lighting (fluorescents, unfortunately). The only reason I came up with the idea is to completely get away from my girlfriend and her child and have some "me" time. Don't get me wrong, they're both the apple of my eye, but it's hard to focus on straight shaving when I'm being interrupted constantly, or called from another room to do something. Good idea/bad idea? Pros/cons? Other mods I should/can do?

(I just wonder how weird it would be to have the garage door up and someone driving by and seeing me lathered up with a straight razor to my neck?)
I say go for it, and don't feel guilty about it. You need your space. My place has one small bathroom, and during the week I get up for work, shower and shave and leave before anyone wakes up, so it works out ok. But the weekends are another story... the only days I can really take my time and not rush through shaving to get out the door... I am constantly being interrupted while trying to shave.

If you're using straights, use the safety issue to sell it if you have resistance- someone comes in and you have a very sharp knife to your throat. One wrong bump is trouble. Or keeping your gear out there... away from young hands that could get hurt. Personally I dream of a weekend where I am not standing in the hallway, half lathered for my second pass, while I'm listening to my better half re-enacting the toilet sequence from Dumb and Dumber in the bathroom. My poor badger brush is still in there...! It's going to need therapy before it's over! Also makes me wish the C.O. Bigelow shaving cream was a bit more fragrant...

So yeah, make a space. Do it for the rest of us who can't! Do it for yourself!! Take pictures and post them so we can see it come together and be inspired!!!!
You gotta do what you gotta do. :a39:Cars. Shave stuff. I like it. Decorate with vintage barber stuff, and post the pics.
I really like your idea. As others have said, go for it! Conventionality is boring and overrated, anyway. Please post some photos after you have it set up and remember that more often than not, "less is more" when setting up a shave den. Good luck!
I also like to be alone when I shave. It is certainly 'me' time. I was camping this weekend and I waited until everyone got busy with other things and did a straight razor shave using the external mirrors on the truck. I didn't want to be bugged by everyone.

I have a friend whose father would get a pitcher of water and a bowl, sit down at the kitchen table and straight shave there with everyone walking around him. Eeeeek.

Anyway... make yourself a Den. You deserve it. We all do!
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