I have a wash basin in the garage, and have been using it to wash up after working on my other hobby (automobiles). But I was thinking of turning it into a man den and keep my razors, adjustable barber stool, and other shaving supplies there. The only thing it's lacking is a wall-mount mirror (however, I do have a make-up mirror) and better lighting (fluorescents, unfortunately). The only reason I came up with the idea is to completely get away from my girlfriend and her child and have some "me" time. Don't get me wrong, they're both the apple of my eye, but it's hard to focus on straight shaving when I'm being interrupted constantly, or called from another room to do something. Good idea/bad idea? Pros/cons? Other mods I should/can do?
(I just wonder how weird it would be to have the garage door up and someone driving by and seeing me lathered up with a straight razor to my neck?)
(I just wonder how weird it would be to have the garage door up and someone driving by and seeing me lathered up with a straight razor to my neck?)