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Game Changer .76 compared to Lupo .58 or .72SB?

You should also try and spring for a Hawk V3, either standard or A plate, great value for an AC format and it's a nice mild shaver, and could be a step up from your hawk v2 you're currently grabbing!
I wouldn't be opposed to trying the V3, it was sold out at the time but I figured the V2 was still worth trying. Plus, I was surprised by how much I liked the Lupo Al so I wanted to add another aluminum to the collection.
Thats true, you have alot of options, and ya Michael is great to do business with and such a nice person on top of it. I am still on the fence about a blackland razor, odds are I will at least try one before I make any commitments to anyone
Take your time deciding, all of these razors won't be going anywhere.
I wouldn't be opposed to trying the V3, it was sold out at the time but I figured the V2 was still worth trying. Plus, I was surprised by how much I liked the Lupo Al so I wanted to add another aluminum to the collection.
Makes sense, if you enjoyed your lupo Al then go for it and just enjoy the purchase , worst case you get the v3 which I'm sure you'd enjoy if you decide to go that route man.
I don't have experience with the GameChanger, but I have owned the Lupo .72 SS, and the Lupo Aluminum, for about a year now (purchased both at the same time).
I have used the Lupo .72 for daily shaving pretty much since I acquired it, I don't find it too aggressive at all, it's "just right" for me, and as someone else wrote here, it's incredibly nimble. As I like to say, it's like a surgical precision tool for touch-ups. I find the aluminum Lupo too mild, to an effect where it feels "rougher" on the skin than the .72does. I have to be more careful with the aluminum Lupo, and don't get as close a shave. So I have kind of given up on the Aluminum Lupo, whereas the .72 stainless steel Lupo is probably the one I would pick among all my DE razors for daily shaving if I was to pick just one for the proverbial Robinson Cruso outing on a deserted island.

For comparison, I also own the Muhle R41, which I do find too aggressive for daily shaving.
Before I got the Lupo .72, The DE razors I used for daily shaving were primarily the Merkur 34C, Fatip Piccolo OC, and Merkur 37 slant (I still use all three intermittently for daily shaving). I think the Lupo .72 is quite comparable to those three razors in terms of efficiency/aggression, perhaps just a hair more efficient than the Merkur 34, so if you can handle any of those for daily shaving, I imagine you will do fine with the Lupo .72 as well.
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You should also try and spring for a Hawk V3, either standard or A plate, great value for an AC format and it's a nice mild shaver, and could be a step up from your hawk v2 you're currently grabbing!
I agree with this suggestion. I have the V3 and the V3A and they are both efficient and easy to use. I will probably be listing mine on BST soon because I just acquired a Vector, which is turning out to be my dream AC razor. I like all three of these much more than the aluminum v2 Hawk.
I agree with this suggestion. I have the V3 and the V3A and they are both efficient and easy to use. I will probably be listing mine on BST soon because I just acquired a Vector, which is turning out to be my dream AC razor. I like all three of these much more than the aluminum v2 Hawk.
I'm starting to feel like possibly AC razors aren't for me, but i'm waiting patiently for blacklands new take on the ATT slant ac razor, if I don't grab that I may look into a vector/lite plate and go from there. Don't take this as a diss of my hawk v3 which I enjoy alot but don't fully love, I just have always lusted after the vector/blackland brand along with razorock, as those are 2 brands that drew me into wet shaving and have made me become a major fan! I just feel that the longer blade edge might not be fully for me and feels like i'm not using the whole blade to cut per se, so i'm gonna test a gem razor format at some point soon and really see what I feel.
I totally get it. I liked my SS Hawks a bunch but never really got excited about them. The Vector, on the other hand, is amazing. DM me if you want and we can discuss. It's a huge qualitative difference from my perspective.
Great choice and congratulations!
Thanks man appreciate it, I'll report back on first shave what I think and feel. I gotta figure out what blades to rock it with, I think I'll start with a Kai blade and go from there, might order a Treet dura sharp and see how that blade is and how it works in the DC
Great choice and congratulations!
Had my first shave with the Lupo and did two wtg passes only to get familiar with it. I liked it alot and loved how easily it took down two days of growth. I used a fresh Gillette 7oclock blade with a light touch and it was so smooth and nice! All in all a stellar purchase on my end and I can see a lot of wonderful efficient shaves with this for me. I highly doubt I'll run into something that is more bang for buck and efficient than this Lupo DC.
I received the Lupo 58 on Saturday and just had my first shave with it and wow. I already like it better. I think it’s the more forward exposure. It just works better for me. Definitely don’t regret it at all!

Nice choice!

I started with a Merkur 34C and then moved to a GC 68P. Similar. Then a GC 84P. Took a little practice to adapt to the 84P, but I was rewarded with more efficient shaves. Then a Lupo 72. The Lupo 72 and GC 84P are very similar. I now have a slight preference for the Lupo 72. For me, the GC 84P and the Lupo 72 are Goldilocks. And the lesson I learned from using these razors is the importance of using little to no pressure - only the weight of the razor.

The great thing about the RazoRock razors is the low cost of buying another base plate.
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