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Future grit material for lapping film / ceramic blade enthusiasts

hmmmmmmm.......... and DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This material was capable of indenting the diamond anvil used in creating the high-pressure conditions. This means that the material is superhard.
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natural hones are now relegated to the status of neanderthal.

The new homo sapiens sapiens of the honing world- synthetics, has now officially climbed atop the food chain, ***** slapped even diamond into place, all the while the cave men continue to sharpen their crude instruments on rocks cowering in their caves awaiting their own fossilization for future generations to gawk at on display in a museum.
Umm..so if this new carbon material can become compressed..can I compress my DMT diamond plate...:)


The molecular structure of the diamonds in your plate are more than likely a typical lattice type. They're not comprised of the same type of C-60 Fullerene.
natural hones are now relegated to the status of neanderthal.

The new homo sapiens sapiens of the honing world- synthetics, has now officially climbed atop the food chain, ***** slapped even diamond into place, all the while the cave men continue to sharpen their crude instruments on rocks cowering in their caves awaiting their own fossilization for future generations to gawk at on display in a museum.
I could not had said that better myself :biggrin:


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
natural hones are now relegated to the status of neanderthal.

The new homo sapiens sapiens of the honing world- synthetics, has now officially climbed atop the food chain, ***** slapped even diamond into place, all the while the cave men continue to sharpen their crude instruments on rocks cowering in their caves awaiting their own fossilization for future generations to gawk at on display in a museum.

That "N"eanderthal to you CroMagnon.
natural hones are now relegated to the status of neanderthal.

The new homo sapiens sapiens of the honing world- synthetics, has now officially climbed atop the food chain, ***** slapped even diamond into place, all the while the cave men continue to sharpen their crude instruments on rocks cowering in their caves awaiting their own fossilization for future generations to gawk at on display in a museum.

You can call me Neanderthal, CroMagnon or even Lucy, fact is I love my stones especially the natural ones. I also love to sharpen my very oldfashioned razors on them just like our forefathers did.
It's a proven method for hundreds of years and very satisfying and besides this stones have mojo unlike all this modern stuff.
If I wanted to be modern I could just as well shave with a multiblade cardridge with 5 blades and a aloe vera stip using canned goo or even (forgive me for even mentioning this) electric...
That's right, Monkeyboys, huddle around the fire pit assuring each other that the traditional way is better....please be sure to remove the bone from your nose before perfoming the coup de maitre'!


Synthetics uber alles!
That's right, Monkeyboys, huddle around the fire pit assuring each other that the traditional way is better....please be sure to remove the bone from your nose before perfoming the coup de maitre'!


Synthetics uber alles!
That is why your suitcase is en route to Kent
Better is a relative term, the old fashioned way may not be better or worse, both ways get us where we want: a sharp razor. If I shave with a straight razor just like our forefathers I like to sharpen them the way they did, just part of the fun and a very satisfying experience.
One way has mojo, the other one don't, take your pick...

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Hey Seraphim you remember in 2001: A Space Oddyssey, the monkey-man invents the weapon? Some of his coulsins probably scratched their heads because they just didn't get it. They are the ancestors of all the stone-age rock honers.
Hmmm, me no know, Throg.

Me think I don't want no new fangle bone tool. Me like trying to catch food with hand, and hide in cave, like ancestor did.

See you on the space station, Slash!

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