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Freshly honed by Ambrose!

Well, some of you know that I was contemplating learning to hone my own razors this go-around with straights. However, I was convinced to get a pro to set my edges for me, and then to work on a "project" razor to compare to those edges that were set by somebody who really knows what he's doing.

I sent two straights off to our own Ambrose to have honed. He took the liberty of before/after microscope shots of the blades to demonstrate the difference - and what a difference it was! So far, I've only shaved with the Thiers-Issard Special. While this razor is about as hollow-ground as I'd EVER want a razor to be (I prefer stiffer grinds), the edge was super sharp but an extremely smooooth shaver. I can say categorically that it's the smoothest shave I've ever had with anything this side of half-hollow, and quite possibly ever. I have another razor (a Hammer Mark hollow, i think 1/2 or 3/4) that I've yet to shave with, but I'm eagerly anticipating it. I didn't even strop before I started the first shave on the TI, and there was no tugging, skipping, dragging, anything. It was superb.

Guys, I know, I'm a newbie when it comes to straights - but I know a close comfortable shave, if nothing else, by the results. And the results were outstanding. The service, btw, was really quick as well. Maybe this rave review will make that a little harder for him to keep up, but he had my razors back to me within a week of when I sent them (I did pay for Priority USPS service - but a small flat-rate box easily held two straights). Of course, I'm not surprised - his reputation with his strops precedes him.

If you need some razors honed, give Ambrose a call. My review: :thumbup:

PS: I was coin-flipping between here and the Vendor Corner, so Mods - I'm sorry if I got it wrong. :blushing:
I concur. Ambrose is a real gentlemen. I purchased a straight from him a while back back. His honing skills are up there.
I've had 6 razors honed by Jose and all of them are exceptional shavers. I keep wanting to hone myself (I did buy a coticule), but I think it would take me a good bit of learning to put an edge on like Jose.

Outstanding service and exceptional speed. Spanish Leather strop is amazing too.
Not trying to hijack this thread, but since Ambrose"s strop making skills have already been mentioned here I think its ok to say that if I cant find a decent strop on ebay soon I will have to contact Ambrose about making one for me :biggrin1: ... Its not that his strops are not my first choice, its just that my current job situation is not good. So I am forced to consider less desirable choices (ebay)
Not trying to hijack this thread, but since Ambrose"s strop making skills have already been mentioned here I think its ok to say that if I cant find a decent strop on ebay soon I will have to contact Ambrose about making one for me :biggrin1: ... Its not that his strops are not my first choice, its just that my current job situation is not good. So I am forced to consider less desirable choices (ebay)

My opinion, skip eBay and go straight to Ambrose. You'll end up buying a better strop anyway. I guess if you have no experience stropping, maybe you want a practice strop before you use such a fine implement as my Classico... but if you have some experience spanking blades, go ahead and save money in the long run by buying quality first.
My opinion, skip eBay and go straight to Ambrose. You'll end up buying a better strop anyway. I guess if you have no experience stropping, maybe you want a practice strop before you use such a fine implement as my Classico... but if you have some experience spanking blades, go ahead and save money in the long run by buying quality first.

I have an old Black Beauty horse hide strop now but it has several problems that make it less than desirable :thumbdown its from Australia. :tongue_sm

I have carpel tunnel in both hands so stropping is not real easy to do... because of this I didn't want to get anything too nice before I was sure I could strop without making mince meat out of the strop. :blush: So that was one of my primary reasons for getting a decent strop from ebay first.

I played hard when I was younger and don't regret doing anything... but now my body is paying me back for all I put it through :tongue_sm :lol:

oooppss well now that I have put everyone to asleep I will just slip out the back and maybe no one will notice :lol:
I like to do my own honing (mostly because I already have invested in hones), but I will say that Jose is a GREAT guy to work with. Very eager to please, and the results are always fantastic. His strops are top-notch! I haven't touched anything but spanish leather for a while now (and I just stropped all 9 of my razors yesterday for upkeep/boredom's sake.) Nothing comes close.

Two big :thumbup: for Jose!
Thank you guys :blushing: with out all of your support I wouldnt have anything to offer. Im happy to help anyone with what I can. :thumbup1:

Let's see the scope pics!

Scope porn, we demand scope porn!:w00t:


I hope my cheap scope will satisfy, I know you have a sweet scope :thumbup1: This is the one that takes pics but I have another I use for honing.

Anyway here is a greaves finished on an JNAT asagi, she came to me this way, then re-honed. The edge is thinner and yet smoother. Thin equals sharp and less teeth equals smooth.

Greaves Before & After

To echo what's already been said, I've had Ambrose hone a few of my razors and he does amazing work. Very smooth edges and he's an absolute gentleman to deal with. I plan on sending him some more work this week myself.

I hope my cheap scope will satisfy, I know you have a sweet scope :thumbup1: This is the one that takes pics but I have another I use for honing.

Anyway here is a greaves finished on an JNAT asagi, she came to me this way, then re-honed. The edge is thinner and yet smoother. Thin equals sharp and less teeth equals smooth.

Greaves Before & After

Wow, that is smooth :thumbup1:
I have a vintage Le Grelot in need of some nice ebony scales and a good honing, and Jose is first on my list of who I want to do the work. I just need to wait a week or two until I have the appropriate funds.
Thank you guys :blushing: with out all of your support I wouldnt have anything to offer. Im happy to help anyone with what I can. :thumbup1:

I hope my cheap scope will satisfy, I know you have a sweet scope :thumbup1: This is the one that takes pics but I have another I use for honing.

Anyway here is a greaves finished on an JNAT asagi, she came to me this way, then re-honed. The edge is thinner and yet smoother. Thin equals sharp and less teeth equals smooth.

Greaves Before & After



I'm awaiting a str8 I had Jose do a complete restore on. I did see some pics and it looks like a different razor. I know it will look even better, if that's possible, in person.

Can't wait to give it a go.

Jose is a great guy to do business with.
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