I have had one of their silver tips for about a year now. Use it regularly. Works great, I think it has lost maybe two hairs. Good value for the price.
Ian went waaaaaay up on his prices. These FS brushes used to be crazy cheap. Generally they are still worth the inflated but still pretty low prices, but you get a better bang for the buck with a Lijun brush, or one of Larry's Whipped Dog badgers. www.whippeddog.com. Lijun from ebay. Sure... if you need a brush don't worry... a FS brush in the appropriate grade and size won't let you down. But they are no longer the cheapest decent brush, by far.
I bought a couple of the silvertips back when they were under $20. Really do like then. I bought a couple more at around $32. For what I paid for them, I cannot complain. The bigger, less expensive seem a bit stiff and scratchy, but I like them. The more expensive are a bit smaller and very soft. I hand lather with the smaller ones and find they work well. I do think you will get your $$'s worth.
I got one on e-bay in June 2010. Ivory resin plastic handle- 4 4/8' overall height - 2 3/8" finest badger hair height - Knot size 24mm. Back then I won it for $18.27 + $3.50 shipping Has not lost any hair and would not want one any softer. It's one of my favorite brushes. It was a steal at that price. IMO
I have had 3 Frank Shaving (FS) brushes in the past and I can tell you that Whipped Dog (WD) brushes are much, much better. The WD knot is relatively more dense than FS and the quality is great. The price of WD is also fantastic.
My recommendation is WD over FS. you can check them out at whippeddog.com
BTW If you end up ordering a WD, make sure you get the loft set lower than the standard 55mm, which is too high and floppy. It costs $5 to have it set lower. I had mine set at 47mm which is perfectly fine.
I just wanted to chime in with Slash McCoy. Lijun brushes are my go-to brushes. I haven't tried a Silvertip, but the finest rival or exceed my other brushes. I tried a Lijun pure...meh. Oh, and a 24mm knot in a solid resin handle (looks like a chess piece) runs around $20 delivered. Just expect about a three week delivery to the states (might be sooner to the UK?).
I have FS Silvertip and FS Finest, both in 24mm knots, and I like them a lot. They definitely fit into the "luxuriously soft" category for me - and though I usually prefer brushes a little firmer (2-band hair is my favourite), I really do appreciate a faceful of softness from time to time.
Of the two, I prefer the Finest, as it has a little more backbone - but not a lot, and it's still a pretty soft brush. I bought mine when they were stupidly cheap - now they're just cheap.
Honestly, it will look better than it performs. Mine was too floppy. I don't mind lathering with painting motions, but with a brush that big you'd want the option to use circular strokes too. With the FS you won't have that option.