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Four Days in a Row!

Hey, men, yesterday i introduced myself and said how I always hated shaving until I started wet shaving recently. I have just finished up my fourth day in a row! If I ever tried that with a cartridge and barbasol, my face would have been raw and hurting!

My recent shaves have been done with a DE89 and Mama bear's pipe tobacco scent soap! I love this combo!

Oh, mannnnnn! Now you are super passionate. Agape probably hears you humming hymns while in there laathering. Laughing. I am shaving tonight after work. I must be BBS by the time you get here. Yeah!

It's nice to hear that you now enjoy shaving, rather than hating it.

As a little kid I always thought that shaving was cool and couldn't wait to try it. When I came of age my first couple of cartridge shaves were bloody and I went electric. Electric shaving was fun for the first couple of weeks. But after that it was just something I had to do for a few minutes every morning.

Now that I have discovered what shaving is like with a DE razor. It's something I really enjoy and can't wait for the next opertunity to shave. Hopefully it won't lose it's alure. I don't think it will, as I enjoy experimenting with all of the different combinations of products that are available.
tobacco and shaving, what can be more manly?

Single malt whisky and fixing one's own motorcycle. Not necessarily in that order.

@OP: I feel your lack of pain. Ever since staring DE shaving, I actually look forward to shaving instead of regarding it as a chore.
Starting the day off with a nice shave makes birds sing, clouds part for rays of morning sun and women everywhere anticipate your arrival.
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