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fountan pen on a air plane.

I have been told many times that one can not fly with fountain pens, well not with out a inky mess.

this is not quite true.

first, try to keep the pen nib up, then the pressure changes with out ink spilling out.

I fill up my pen so that it is full of ink and not air that needs to equalize.

and finally my best tip, I put the fountain pen into a Cigar tube, with a bit of cotton in the lid, just in case it does leak.

should any of you have other tips for flying with a fountain pen, do share them.
That pretty much covers it. I have flown with fountain pens many times. I've had no issues, regardless of how full the pen, but I do keep it nib facing up. I usually place it in the seat back pocket nib up and visibly held by the top edge of the pocket. Just don't forget the pen when you get off the plane! It hasn't happened to me yet (knock on wood).

In addition to filling the pens fully before flying and storing them nib up, I'll put my pen case in a ziplock bag just in case there are any leaks to ensure it wouldn't get all over my bag. I've not had any issues with a variety of pens leaking while flying, but I've felt better with the ziplock bag in case something were to happen.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I board the plane with half full pens in my pocket, use 'em on the flight, and never had a problem -- vacs, Pelikans, Sheaffer lever fillers. Keep your tips up!
The cabin is pressurized to a the equivalent of 10,000ft or lower.

I had no trouble driving over 8000ft passes on vacation last week.
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