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Found some NOS Schick Platinum Plus injector blades

It's literally been over a decade since I've used any of the premium NOS injector blades of past decades. I had satisfied myself with the Personna platinum chrome blades I could get in 11 blade dispensers for cheap. I did try some of the Schick blades carried by Amazon last year. Not sure if they were the Chinese or German made ones though. The first blade was terrible. I put the dispensor aside and a few months later went to try again but found the remaining blades had frozen up in a stack within the dispenser. Yeah it had been sitting on a rear part of the sink counter so I suppose moisture affected things. Still.... I wasn't a happy camper. I did manage to get them out and separated but had to load them into an ASR dispenser as the Schick one got destroyed in the process. They still sucked. But from all the glowing reports all I can think is that I got a bad batch.... whatever. I simply haven't been tempted to try them again.

If memory serves I should get more shaves from each compared to the Personnas plus experience an overall jump in comfort. It'll be interesting re-experiencing the vintage blades of old after all this time. I'm hoping they're as great as what I remember (been scraping my face since the late '50s, so.....). Then the challenge will be to acquire more :w00t:
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The Schick Plus Platinum blades are among my favorites of the NOS blades. In fact, for me they beat out Gillette Platinum Plus in a recent blade testing on this forum. Good luck with your shaves.
If memory serves I should get more shaves from each compared to the Personnas plus experience an overall jump in comfort. It'll be interesting re-experiencing the vintage blades of old after all this time. I'm hoping they're as great as what I remember (been scraping my face since the late '50s, so.....). Then the challenge will be to acquire more :w00t:
I think your memory is correct. The Schick Plus Platinum is/was one of the finest blades ever made and I count myself lucky to have a stash of them tucked away. I also find them to be smoother than the Gillette Platinums, and they seem to last a bit longer to boot. Luckily for you, the injectors seem to be readily available, and are not as expensive as their DE equivalents.

And since we are talking about injector blades, there are a a few others that would be worth your while to try. The Schick Super Chromiums are nice--not as smooth as the Platinums, but not a bad blade at all, and tend to be fairly cheap. Personna 74's also pop up from time to time, they are well worth it if you can find them at a fair price.
I am a lucky man. A fellow Dutchman (also on B&B) provided me with a nice stash of Schick Injector Platinums from 1975. Made in Holland... ;-) I am very eager to try out this blast from the past and will report back my experience with them.
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