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For those with acne...

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I have struggled with severe cystic acne since i was 9 years old (now 24), and though I have went through many medications, including two rounds of accutane, it is still an issue, albeit not near as bad as in my younger days. Since I have started wet-shaving, I have noticed my skin around my neck and cheeks getting a lot better. I believe this is due to the razors ability to get BBS resulting in me needing to shave less often, as well as not cutting below the skin. I also follow up each shave with T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel with alcohol at 14%. So here come the meat of the post. I noticed about a week ago the front of the bottle advertising it for use on cuts, scrapes, oily skin, blemishes, etc. So I thought I would give it a try on my whole face to see what would happen. Per my dermatologists orders, I wash my face two or three times a day with simply water. After each time I washed my face, I now follow up with the witch hazel. After 1 week, my face is 98% clear! Blackheads I have never been able to get rid of are leaving. This stuff is amazing, it works better than any meds I have ever taken. And its frickin cheap! If you struggle with acne at all, give this a shot. It is changing my life!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the aforementioned company at all and am sure any brand would work, just so happens it is what I have.
Thanks for the info! I have fairly consistent mild acne. Maybe it's the alcohol killing the bacteria? Anyway, this thread may need to be moved to the skin care forum.
Glad you found something that works. Acne is a real [expletive]. The shaving is exfoliating your skin and removing the surface layer of dead skin cells, which clog the pores and lead to acne. The alcohol is probably drying up any existing acne.

I use Differin and it works well for me.
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I have struggled with severe cystic acne since i was 9 years old (now 24), and though I have went through many medications, including two rounds of accutane, it is still an issue, albeit not near as bad as in my younger days. Since I have started wet-shaving, I have noticed my skin around my neck and cheeks getting a lot better. I believe this is due to the razors ability to get BBS resulting in me needing to shave less often, as well as not cutting below the skin. I also follow up each shave with T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel with alcohol at 14%. So here come the meat of the post. I noticed about a week ago the front of the bottle advertising it for use on cuts, scrapes, oily skin, blemishes, etc. So I thought I would give it a try on my whole face to see what would happen. Per my dermatologists orders, I wash my face two or three times a day with simply water. After each time I washed my face, I now follow up with the witch hazel. After 1 week, my face is 98% clear! Blackheads I have never been able to get rid of are leaving. This stuff is amazing, it works better than any meds I have ever taken. And its frickin cheap! If you struggle with acne at all, give this a shot. It is changing my life!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the aforementioned company at all and am sure any brand would work, just so happens it is what I have.

I couldn't agree more. About 6 or so months ago I started getting annoyed with that fact that every high-end or otherwise after-shave balm I used would cause me to either breakout or make my skin really greasy 30 minutes after applying it. I found Dickinson's Witch Hazel and apply that just like an after-shave after every shave now. Just a nickel sized amount in the palm and then rub it in gently with your hands. Does the trick for me. Also, if I take a shower early in the evening and end up going to bed several hours after my face can sometimes get oily. Rather than wash it right before I go to sleep I put more Witch Hazel on a cotton round and degrease my skin that way. Works fabulously. The key is to not skimp on the Witch Hazel. Really saturate the cotton round and go to work. As you said, it's really cheap so you don't have to worry about breaking the bank to get more if you go overboard. It's now a staple in my routine.
I have actually been starting to do this too. I did it for two days then I had to travel and did not want to bother bringing stuff for a weekend, so I'm back to square one. I'll definitely keep it up. Have you used alum as well? I was shaving, then when I use alum on my cheeks and neck I would use it on the rest of my face as well, followed by the witch hazel all over. I haven't used it long enough to have any improvements yet, but if yours only took a week... :thumbup1:
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I have struggled with severe cystic acne since i was 9 years old (now 24), and though I have went through many medications, including two rounds of accutane, it is still an issue, albeit not near as bad as in my younger days. Since I have started wet-shaving, I have noticed my skin around my neck and cheeks getting a lot better. I believe this is due to the razors ability to get BBS resulting in me needing to shave less often, as well as not cutting below the skin. I also follow up each shave with T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel with alcohol at 14%. So here come the meat of the post. I noticed about a week ago the front of the bottle advertising it for use on cuts, scrapes, oily skin, blemishes, etc. So I thought I would give it a try on my whole face to see what would happen. Per my dermatologists orders, I wash my face two or three times a day with simply water. After each time I washed my face, I now follow up with the witch hazel. After 1 week, my face is 98% clear! Blackheads I have never been able to get rid of are leaving. This stuff is amazing, it works better than any meds I have ever taken. And its frickin cheap! If you struggle with acne at all, give this a shot. It is changing my life!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the aforementioned company at all and am sure any brand would work, just so happens it is what I have.

Thank you for the information you've share.. I'll try this one also, I hope it is also works in my skin co'z I already tried a lot of skin care products but it won't work.
LegendofVogel, I have been doing this since you posted, just witch hazel, twice a day, applied with a cotton ball. My pimples have been clearing up, but it seems like some of my blackheads are getting bigger (and harder to remove once my skin constricts with the witch hazel :p) so with me dealing with blackheads only, the witch hazel makes me look a whole lot better!
I always rub witch hazel over my entire face for the same reasons. I have rosacea and suffered with it for many years. Mine almost went away though when I left a very high stress job. I had 2 course of treatment from Accutane myself, but nothing really helped until I lowered my stress level. Like you I found shaving this way helps my skin a great deal.
Have just come across Nippon Kodo Pelican Deitanseki soap, which is a charcoal and clay cleansing bar. You can get it direct from the Nippon Kodo website, and other vendors carry it as well, but what sold me was the customer review on Beauty Encounter (extract below) http://www.beautyencounter.com/buy/...coal-facial-cleansing-bar/011391989997/149008:

The first night I used it I woke up the next morning with all of the nasty stuff that was clogged in my pores sticking out of my skin. It was like my pores rejected all of the stuff that was clogging them over night. I broke out in a few pimples for a fortnight as a result of my skin purging all of the nasty stuff but since then it has been clear ever since! It also helps to alleviate puffiness and redness.

It's only about ten bucks and it's a pretty big brick which looks like it will last a long time.

Have been using it for only 4 days so can't report any spontaneous self-extractions, but it has definitely reduced the slickness without drying out the skin.
Thanks for sharing! I'm dog-tired struggling with acne. My accutane trial almost made me commit suicide, so I'm not going for the 2nd round. Hopefully, your advice will help me
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I've had acne since my teens, now mild to moderate adult acne that is very stubborn into my early 30s. The Daniel Kern Regimen/Acne.org products are the only thing that worked for me, and that includes several prescription meds. For me witch hazel makes a good toner/aftershave but nothing more.
I'm in my mid thirties and have had acne since about 15 or so. It was one of the worst cases my derm had seen. Accutane did wonders for my face and chest. I'm essentially clear now except for my back which flares up all the time basically and it is annoying. I have tried Neutrogena body wash and Dial with triclosan and neither didn't help much. I will try witch hazel and also want to try the ProActiv body washes.
Once I started using an alum block, I noticed the pimples around my cheeks and neck clearing up. I hardly ever break out now. Alum closes pores like witch hazel, and it also has anti-bacterial properties. If you can find a big block, they can last upwards of a year :thumbup:
In my youth ... I had the same conditions that you are having. I did my cycle of accutane and things did get better ... but I do believe that DE shaving and not the use of multiple blade or electric razors has helped 95%. I still get a touch of rosacea and an occasional ingrown hair once in awhile...but the use of witch hazel and alum has added considerably to the clearing of my skin.
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