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For all hunters who need to be scent free!

If you hunt you know you cant go into the woods smelling like Clubman or Porasso. What I used was Sent-A-Way body wash, water and glicerin. You need to experiment with the mix to get a decient cream, its not a wonderful thick cream by any means but passable. I think a boar brush helps with the lather as well. For an aftershave use a plain witch hazel and you are good to go. Happy Hunting.

ok... so it is deer season... and all of the magazines have ads advertising products that will make you invisible scent wise to an animal. We all know that animals sense of smell far exceeds ours.. so we must fool them.. and now here comes the hype

Debunking the myths..

Anise scented soap.. works great for fishermen trying to get the scent of fish off their hands.. makes Rudolph think you are a stick of licorishe

No scent soaps.. this is not a soap with no scent added.. this is a soap that has a fragance oil added that is called no fragrance added... it's a chemical.. deer smell it.. we don't.. it is primarily used to take the scent of pets or tobacco out of a house and fails there too.

I think these are the cleansing options.. I know there are more things out there like covering yourself in pee.. but that is a more manly discussion than I can handle.

Use natural soap.. handmade.. lye and oil.. you want to wash all scents off of you.. this is what soap actually does.. it washes that whole layer off.. any scent and any bacteria.. straight down the drain.

Shave with a natural unscented shave soap.. or don't shave at all.. hey,, it's deer camp right?

wash clothes in unscented soap flakes.. then dip in the water and hang dry. keep away from wood smoke.

All the fantastic cures.. are bs.. wives tales.. you want to have no scent.. don't add what you don't want.. just be clean and fresh with no fragrance added.
I believe I previously posted on doe urine and Lilac Vegetal. If you must use something, use the LV. The deer won't know the difference.
Well, I looked around on Youtube, but didn't find it, so I suspect it must have been on some hunting show on TV... Anyway, somebody wanted to see if deer really did react to human scents, so they did a series of experiments. In an area used for hunting and with the usual skittish deer that produces, these folks placed scent samples out to see if the deer would avoid them or ignore them or what. Well, I remember having a good laugh when the big buck came over and actually walked up to take a nice long sniff of the Aqua Velva soaked rag. Mostly, the deer seemed not to notice "man" scents in these videos.

Frankly, I think they smell you one way or the other and it's up to you to be a better hunter and know how to work the wind, your movement, and placement.
If you hunt you know you cant go into the woods smelling like Clubman or Porasso. What I used was Sent-A-Way body wash, water and glicerin. You need to experiment with the mix to get a decient cream, its not a wonderful thick cream by any means but passable. I think a boar brush helps with the lather as well. For an aftershave use a plain witch hazel and you are good to go. Happy Hunting.


honestly, if i know i'm going on a deer hunt, i'll not shower/wear perfurme for 24-48 hours prior to the hunt, and i'll shower with just water.

My hunting clothes (outler layers like camo pants/jacket or gilli suit) never get washed.

We harvested 2 does on monday.

The deer will know if your in the area, the trick is staying absolutely still until they're comfortable you're not a threat. They see you long before you see them.

I was on a turkey hunt this spring (deer was out of season) had a massive doe jump out of the brush no more than 10 feet from me, it stared at me for a good minute and a half, and then proceeded to attack my turkey decoy.

i will admit that deer urine can be an effective tool if spray on a cotton swab left close to you.
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I hunt deer in northern Wisconsin, which means lots of trees and brush. Your only real chance of seeing deer is to be invisible which means sit and be still, and of course trying to cover your scent. I wash all my hunting clothes with a special scent free soap and dry them with special dryer sheets. Now I've heard that fragrances can stay on your skin for up to 3 days. My face is usually the only skin exposed when I'm hunting so I don't shave for 3 days prior to hunting. When it comes to showering I just go ahead and wash in my usual shampoo and body wash the night before the hunt, by morning there isn't any real fragrance smell left on me that I can smell, and i usually end up wearing five layers of clothes so that helps keep whatever scent I have on me (that deer could smell) locked in.
Heading for Elk and Im not showering the day before. Never had issue but I know when I bow hunt deer, you best not even look at your shave den. Since this is going to be my first season while DE shaving I can't wait to chop the beard down after a week of growth.
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