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Fog free shower mirror suggestion

Hey guys, do any of you shower shavers out there have a suggestion for a fog free mirror (preferably with suction cups)?

There was a point a few years ago when I would exclusively shave in the shower and it was great, figured I would go back to that with a DE and it would be even better. Plus it would help keeping my face moisturized during the shave. I'm having trouble with parts of my face drying up mid shave (at which point I just deal with it because I dont want to reapply the hot towel, etc)

I find applying a little liquid soap to the surface of the mirror every couple of days keeps it from fogging up. Much cheaper than the manufactured fog-free mirrors. Give it a shot.
I find applying a little liquid soap to the surface of the mirror every couple of days keeps it from fogging up. Much cheaper than the manufactured fog-free mirrors. Give it a shot.

I don't currently have a mirror in the shower because the one I mentioned before broke a few years ago and I never replaced it. The medicine cabinet mirror is a bit out of the way so that's out of the question.
Make sure the mirror is dry first, then lather up soap with VERY little water just a spalsh, and then apply the lather to the mirror and wipe with a towel (no water) do not rinse. It will create a for free residue that will be clear and it will not fog up
My current shower mirror was purchased at Bed Bath & Beyond. It's fog-free ability is limited, but a thin film of soap takes care of that. It cost me about $20.00 if I'm not mistaken.
I have had good luck with this one:


It has a chamber in the back of the mirror where you pour in hot water before your shower. This keeps it fog-free without treatments or coatings. The mirror is also acrylic instead of glass which cuts down on the possibility of breaking it. My only gripe is the large suction cups don't stick to my tile very well. My shower tile has a semi-rough finish so this isn't a surprise. I just rig it up with some string.
Don't use one, don't try the soap thing either. Soap scum is nasty. I just open the door and wipe off with the same towel I dried off with. Works for me.
I buy mirrors at the dollar store for 2-3$. I've broken several. Yeah they fog up, but run them under the hot water, and they'll stay fog free long enough for a pass.
If you have any shaving goo left from a can, apply that to a clean mirror and buff it. This will last 2-3 months before needing to be reapplied.

Thanks for the responses.

I'll work my way from the bottom up...first I'll get a cheap mirror and try the soap or lather technique on it. If that fails, on to the fog free mirror from Amazon.
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