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Flossing Your Face After A Shave??!!

try googling "threading"

you should be able to find some demos.

it basically is a method for pulling out all the little hairs.
I go to a very traditional barbershop (the guy running it has been doing so for I believe just under 50 years) and there are two new barbers, both from the middle-east and I've seen both do threading. It's something that's very interesting to see. After a straight shave, they seem to thread sideburns for the most part.
Ah, nothing like a real straight razor wielded by the nicotine-stained hands of a Tunisian barber who smokes in his own shop. I love it! Makes American barbers with their pansy-arse Shavettes seem like wussies. I have to wonder how that BBS is going to feel in a few hours, though - still heavenly, or very irritated?

As for the flossing, that's interesting. I wonder what "little hairs" he's trying to pull out. I shave right up to the top of my cheekbones, to the bottom edge of my eye orbits, since I have little, light, peach-fuzz type hairs that grow up that far; when I'm done, there are no little hairs left to pull out, since they've all been shaved. So I'm still a bit mystified by the purpose of the process.
I get growth at the top of my cheek like that too, in fact quite stubborn growth. It's always the most challenging area of my face to get bbs.

I'm gonna look up stuff on threading lol. It seems interesting to me. And heck yeah that guy's a REAL barber lol. When he's gotta stop to take a drag of his cigarette before he lathers me back up, that's a real shave ha ha ha
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