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Floris or Penhaligon's. Which Do You Prefer?

I've read a couple older threads on these two but I was wondering of the guys who are currently using these soaps, which do you prefer? I'm mostly concerned about the performance standpoint, since I'm familiar with the Floris and Pen scents having gotten samples of most of their colognes.... but any opinions besides performance are also welcome.

I bought a puck of Penhaligon's BB soap a while ago. It turned out that they had reformulated the soap, turned it to a veggie, instead of keeping the previous version, the much sought after tallow version. The soap was terrible. Worst soap I ever tried. I don't know if they've tweaked it in the meantime.
I have used both and prefer Penhaligon's. These are both mainly fragrance companies and my impression has been that any of the other famous British makers make a better performing soap and for a lot less money. If you want soap from a great fragrance company, look into Creed's.
Save your money and just buy their aftershave or cologne if you want the scent. Modern Pens soap is horrendously bad. Floris is useable, but for $30 a puck or whatever they are charging it needs to lather better than williams.
I agree about BB. Smells wonderful but performance is poor compared to others out there. You may want to consider DR Harris' Windsor scent in comparison to BB. For my nose, they are similar and the DRH soap is fantastic. I also use their AS and EdT; love them both. Sometimes I will use BB EdT after my Windsor shave and it is very nice.

Antique Hoosier

I bought a puck of Penhaligon's BB soap a while ago. It turned out that they had reformulated the soap, turned it to a veggie, instead of keeping the previous version, the much sought after tallow version. The soap was terrible. Worst soap I ever tried. I don't know if they've tweaked it in the meantime.

Thanks guys. I can't see the point in spending that kind of money on a soap that doesn't perform. I like my soaps to smell nice and all but there are so many out there that are good performers and smell good. I'm waiting on some Queen Charoltte Soap samples and Mike's Natural Soap samples.... we'll see how those do instead of Floris or Pen's.

Both QCS and Mike's are superior to the current Penhaligons and Floris. Now if you happen to track down a puck of the older formula Pen's English Fern or BB, the ones with tallow, then you will have an excellent soap. The tallow-first EF soap is one of the best ever made. It's a shame Pen's changed the formula.
It's too bad Pen's changed the formula. The veg soap is a bit challenging. Windsor, on the other hand, is absolutely wonderful. It's a 'can't miss' IMO.
I have both Pens English Fern and Blenheim Bouquet;fragrances AND soaps. Soaps smell great, performance is meh.
Both QCS and Mike's are superior to the current Penhaligons and Floris. Now if you happen to track down a puck of the older formula Pen's English Fern or BB, the ones with tallow, then you will have an excellent soap. The tallow-first EF soap is one of the best ever made. It's a shame Pen's changed the formula.

Yeah, it's hard to figure why they do that. I suppose there's a reason to eliminate the tallow.... but when you ruin your product as a result.... what's the point? I suppose they make more money off of their fragrances. Oh well.

If you want the great scents in a shaving product you have to get the creams. Penhaligon's creams are amazing.

I have the Blenheim cream in the massive glass bottle and must agree that it is a very nice experience. You get a good quality cream with a legendary scent and the remaining bottle is so traditionally cool!
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