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Floid Blue vs Aqua Velva

Order just arrived from G&C today included Aqua Velva, Floid Vigor and Number 74 Victoria Lime, all ordered from posts on this site without any samples.
Poured a generous amount of Aqua Velva (had not shaved) and was impressed by how similar it was to the Floid Blue I have.
Not saying they are the same but I think very similar would be a fair comment?
Your thoughts Gents.
I know I will be labeled a blasphemer by some (Patrick) but I find Aqua Velva to be a superior product. It has more menthol, is not powdery, I can get it at the local drug store and it leaves my feeling better than the Blue. YMMV and I will now duck and cover:001_tt2:
Aqua Velva is too common to be trendy, but it is good stuff. Floid Blue is also good, but I'm not sure I would choose one over the other in a blind splash test. When you factor in the cash a sample of the Floid was enough to satisfy my curiosity.
I know I will be labeled a blasphemer by some (Patrick) but I find Aqua Velva to be a superior product. It has more menthol, is not powdery, I can get it at the local drug store and it leaves my feeling better than the Blue. YMMV and I will now duck and cover:001_tt2:

Blasphemy!!! Although I can smell some similarities between the two to me the Floid is a much better product IMHO, and smells way better than the blue charcoal lighter fluid... I mean AV. You can now come out of the foxhole Jay. For anyone who wonders yes we are friends (Jay and I) our noses just don't agree on much. Other than that we're good. :lol: Now if you want another great AS try Proraso AS splash.:001_tt2: Its fantastic, just wished it lasted longer.


The Lather Maestro
Aqua Velva is too common to be trendy, but it is good stuff. Floid Blue is also good, but I'm not sure I would choose one over the other in a blind splash test. When you factor in the cash a sample of the Floid was enough to satisfy my curiosity.

Trendy. Bah, humbug! Loves me the AV!
I love my Floid Blue, in my youth I liked Aqua Velva too. I do find them both very similar, but the Floid I find the scent slightly more subtle and refined (a more natural menthol scent).
Aqua Velva is good, but I like Floid Blue a lot better. They don't really smell all that similar to me. The Aqua Velva smells more "chemically" and artificial to me while Floid Blue has a fresher, more natural scent. Just my 2 cents...
Had a good dousing after a and still impressed with this. I get more of a peppermint than menthol hit. Its a keeper.
Long time AV user. Just recently got a sample of Floid Blue and found it to be similar. I think Floid blue smells liek a cross between AV and 4711.
I'm a huge Aqua Velva fan and readily admit that it was my gateway-aftershave. That said, I do enjoy Floid a lot. It might out-finesse AV by a hair.
Aqua Velva is good, but I like Floid Blue a lot better. They don't really smell all that similar to me. The Aqua Velva smells more "chemically" and artificial to me while Floid Blue has a fresher, more natural scent. Just my 2 cents...

Make that 4 cents. This is exactly how I feel about the two as well.
After thrashing the AV I really appreciated how good Floid is this afternoon, and now can really tell the difference. Still loving the AV though.
Each to their own.
I have not tried either the AV ice blue or Floid blue. My wife has a work colleague heading to Italy in a week, and I've been advised that I will have 2 bottles of Floid blue coming back my way. Looking forward to it.
I have not tried either the AV ice blue or Floid blue. My wife has a work colleague heading to Italy in a week, and I've been advised that I will have 2 bottles of Floid blue coming back my way. Looking forward to it.

One very lucky man. Don't know exactly what it is about Floid Blue but out of nearly 20 AS's its hard to pick up anything else. Hope you like it too, let us know what you think.
I was checking out this older thread. I really like Floid Blue and Aqua Velva is a great bang for the buck. But now I have some Myrsol Blue on order and I can't wait to check it out. I guess I like those blue scented after shaves.
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