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Flavia coffee?

Since I have to travel a good bit with my job I am a member at the US Airways clubs in the airports. For those of you that don't know, these clubs have a bar, extremely comfortable seats, flat screens, Flavia coffee machines, foods. They are really cool if you have a layover.

Im not a big coffee drinker, but want to know your opionions on this type of coffee. I find it to be pretty good, but again I do not know too much about coffee. This is the machine they have in the airports. It takes about 1 minute to make coffee and is very easy.

We have a nearly identical Flavia machine in my office. It makes passable if not great coffee (and there are numerous varieties available -- Kona Blend, Costa Rica, Colobia Supremo, etc.). It is vastly superior to the usual office coffee service swill.
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