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first time travelling with DE

I was on vacation in New Brunswick, Canada this past week, and knew I had to take my DE (previous overnights I took a cheap 3 blade and the Neutrogena Cream I used to use). The shaves could have been a little better- lathering in a different size mug, using up my last T/H sampler (Trafalgar), plus using well water as opposed to town water. However I had no major problems.

Went inside a drugstore (in a town of 2,500) and saw Proraso Green in the tube, both Green and Sensitive Skin soap, and Sensitive Skin pre-shave. Surprised I didn't give in and buy some...next time I head up that way I'll have to check out drugstores in cities like Moncton and see what they carry.

Sweetest of all, when staying at my grandparents' old house, I found a Gilette adjustable in the medicine cabine that I presume was my grandfather's. There's a little wear on the top of the razor- the pieces that open up, but otherwise it's in good shape. Really looking forward to trying it out. Even still has it's original plastic travel case.

Almost 11 months in now...
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