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First The Good News

For about the last three weeks, I have been shaving with straight razors. I have made significant improvements in my technique as well as my honing and stropping skills. I took an old antique store razor and my Grandfather's old Koskes Kutter from sharp to shave ready and have been using them with increasingly satisfying results. I have had no burn, no irritation, and only three cuts on my chin. Now the bad news. Yesterday I wrenched my right shoulder and cannot lift it high enough to strop or shave. I do not have enough confidence in my left side to risk my strop and although I shave with both hands, I don't think I can pull off an entire shave left handed. I guess it's back to DE for a week or so. :mad:
True, but this is not a slam on DE. It is just that I am in a learning curve developing muscle memory and good habits. Not a good time to stop and use something else.
Don't worry, it will be there when your shoulder heals up. Think, when was the last time you rode a bike? The point is that muscle memory is HIGHLY RESISTANT to decay. It's not episodic, as in the meal that you ate last Thursday.

Take it from me, I'm a neuropsychologist :)
I stopped straight shaving for a while this summer just because I got really busy and traveled a ton (on the road for, literally, one whole month). No problems picking the straight back up. Personally, I think I would attach my strop somewhere low enough to use my good arm for that (assuming you still have range of motion down there) and just force myself to learn to shave left handed. Then again, I like a challenge. :cool:
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