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first superspeed closes funny

when My " first"superspeed closes, one end still has a slight gap before the final turn. After everything is tightened everthing is fine, but while it's closing 3 corners close before the fourth courner closes. Does anyone know if this is normal?
I just got my first superspeed off of e-bay and 3 corners close before the fourth corner closes. Is this normal?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Sounds like a lazy door or something is twisted. If everything is closed properly when tightened then I wouldn't worry much...

Any pictures of the razor open, almost closed and closed?
Sounds like a lazy door or something is twisted. If everything is closed properly when tightened then I wouldn't worry much...

Any pictures of the razor open, almost closed and closed?

+1 As long as the blade is secure when fully tightened, you shouldn't have a problem.
The short answer is no, not normal.

If this was not disclosed by seller, I would contact them ASAP.

Good luck.....
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