Hello there, I just got a hold of an old Bismarck 6/8 razor from a friend of my dad's. Its in pretty good shape, still very shiny. One side of the tang says Bismarck Razor Works Germany, and registered at the end in small print. But the other side says Ludwig Baer New-York.
I'm not quite ready to start into straight razor shaving (still dangerous with a DE razor), but I am very curious about the razor itself. I can't find anything on any Ludwig Baer, and nowhere on it or the box does it say solingren.
Sorry I don't have any pictures but my only camera took pictures so bad that you can barely tell that its a straight razor.
Oh ffs, clicked the wrong link. This should be in the straights section...Could someone move it?
I'm not quite ready to start into straight razor shaving (still dangerous with a DE razor), but I am very curious about the razor itself. I can't find anything on any Ludwig Baer, and nowhere on it or the box does it say solingren.
Sorry I don't have any pictures but my only camera took pictures so bad that you can barely tell that its a straight razor.
Oh ffs, clicked the wrong link. This should be in the straights section...Could someone move it?